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Felix felt like a traitor as soon as he stepped inside Hyunjin's apartment. He felt like he was sticking a knife in Hyunjin's unsuspecting back. While the latter was doing everything to make him happy and to be his friend, Felix was out here planing to ruin his live; well technically it was Madeline's but Felix was an accomplice and that alone made feel like a bitch. Hyunjin was going to hate him for this. Probably cut him out of his life. He didn't know why but his heart ached at that thought. The thought of never talking to Hyunjin again, for him to ignore Felix. He clutched his shirt over his heart. It was beating so fast.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah Hyunjin. Just a little heart pain. Nothing to worry about"

He could see Hyunjin looking at him worriedly but was thankful when the blonde nodded and led him to his bedroom. This time Felix made sure to scrutinize his surroundings carefully. There was no way he was going to miss his chance to see where Hyunjin places that painting. Disappointment filled his heart when he didn't see the painting.

Did Hyunjin take it off?

Where am I gonna find it now??

Hyunjin told him to see himself in his room while he bought the snacks. The opportunity was so perfect for Felix to look around for the painting. Hyunjin's apartment was big but not huge enough for Felix to actually take time to look around. Just when he was losing hope he saw a splash of green and blue on the corridor. He stood infront of the painting.

It was uglier than he thought.

Splotches of green, blue and black mocking him. Almost reminding him of how twisted his brain was going to get after what he was about to do. The colors blending into each other so messily, there was no pattern to the painting everything looked fucked. His breathes hitched. His brain going haywire. He hated this feeling.

"You like this?"

He turned around to look at Hyunjin who held a large bowl of caramel popcorn.

"Yeah its?... interesting"

Hyunjin's smile softened or maybe Felix imagined that. Something passed across Hyunjin's eyes but it disappeared before he could decipher it.

"I like it too."

"It's very indecisive looking you know. Kinda reminds me of myself"

"I like indecisive"

"You're not funny"

"I wasn't trying to be"

A laugh escaped his throat.

"No I'm serious yon' . I was serious!"

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes. "

"Why so defensive then?"

"Im not you're being impossible!"

"Thats definitely something a lair would say"

He watched Hyunjin put the bowl down on the small table next to him.

"You're the liar lee yongbok"

"Pointing fingers? Something a guilty person would do"

"You little rascal"

Felix body reacted just in time to sprint when he saw Hyunjin running after him. He ran in the living room, jumping over Hyunjin's perfectly neat white sofa. Going around it when Hyunjin came near him, both circling it.

"You sure you should be a CEO?" Felix was laughing in between his breathes. " You can't even handle your assistant, a bunch of people is way beyond"

"I earned that status"

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