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Seungmin always had an eerie feeling about Madeline. He knew her . She didn't but he did that's why he sorted help for Felix. He had an idea on how toxic she was just not that she'd play her trump card before him.

Too bad those who let their queen make the move forget it's the most vital piece and right now that piece was in seungmins territory. He'd just have to kill her queen with his queen. After all he couldn't risk exposing himself too much.

4 years ago he'd worked on the Hail family case. The brother died in a car crash. The young prodigy that was supposed to take over the hail enterprise. His disappearance Caused havoc. The younger sibling; Madeline was expected to take over but that never happened.

It was rumoured that she was chronically ill. Her mental state was fucked. It was his job to figure out the reason for the deaths that day Madeline was just a side view.

Never did he thought she'd come back to haunt him. That too by causing a stab to the one person he adored more than life.

He couldn't bare seeing felix like this. Falling apart barely hanging on a thread. It was like deja vu for him.

Seungmin wasn't from a wealthy family. He was a freak or atleast thats what he was told. He got bullied as a child for his face. It went so bad he had to transfer schools again and again.

He had no one. His parents didn't particularly Cared for him either. They died in a house fire when he was 9.

He was blamed for their deaths. Said he burned the house to get rid of them.
Because he's a freak.

He was never a normal child. The memory of his face being shoved in the school toilet still scared him to this day.

He still remembers the day he had to strip and stand in the rain only in his boxers while the whole class watched.

His life was shit.

Everything was shit.

He started living with his aunt who couldn't care about him either after his parents death.

She didn't like that but nonetheless had to do it. She was his only relative.

He got kicked out as soon as he turned 16.

Everything was shit until felix came along.

The young boy who choose to sit with him while eating at a cafe.

The boy who made the first attempt at a conversation on the part time job they did together.

Felix who was the first person to ever celebrate his birthday and remember it.

Felix who held seungmin when he started crying just because Felix told him how pretty he was.

Seungmin swore he'd stick my Felix's side and cherish him.

The boy was to young. To perfect for anyone.

The friendship they had almost made seungmin think that the hardships he dealt in his life were worth it.

Felix who introduced seungmin to jeongin and jisung.

Seungmin would forever be grateful for Lee Felix.

It was for Felix's sake that he had changbin help him. Now all he had to do was execute his plan. Madeline wasn't safe from him and Hyunjin  was going to get punched by him.

"Felix it's ok. I have a plan"


LMAO SO YK HOW I SAID I'D UPDATE LIKE A MONTH AGO.  Well guess who was in another city (still is) for a whole month without her phone bcz her siblings broke it.



Heres a seungmin filler I'll update like longass chapters after this as an apology.

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