10. <FELIX>

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"you're supposed to stay away from him lix, not stay in his apartment for 3 days just to make sure he feels better"

"Seungmin please, I know you're making me feel worse" Felix's body slowly slide down the chair he was sitting on. He knew it was a stupid spontaneous decision he made and he regrets it. Though something about getting to know Hyunjin outside his office was relatively nicer than he expected. He wasn't the strict stone hearted person he thought the blonde would've been.

"Atleast you only have one week left before you get paid then you need to tolerate him for another five months it'll be fine" Jeongin tried to reassure his friend.

"Guys! This cheesecake is better than i expected and-"

"Close your mouth jisung or you'll choke to death, not that I'd mind in the slightest" seungmin's teasing voice nonetheless was laced with a tone of concern..... If you squinted enough.

The next day was something the silver haired male dreaded. He was way to much embarrassed about what happened two days ago thankfully he could bask in his humiliation during the weekend. As soon as he stepped into Hyunjin's office he was given piles of work load, meeting schedules, data arrangements and more by Hyunjin. He was expected to finish all this in a spam of three days, something which was impossible unless Felix didn't sleep at all.

The same thing went about for a week with Hyunjin giving Felix piles of work with an impossibly short deadline date causing the poor guy to even stay behind in the office in ungodly hours and to take naps in his classes or in between breaks. It was never enough since he never got sleep for more than 3 hours and he was slowly starting to lose his sanity. Thankfully he had Wonderful classmates who were more than ok to send Felix the notes and remind him of the assignments they needed to submit.

"Felix, honey, are you okay? You have such dark eye circles. Are you sleeping well? Do i need to give you my recipe for ginger lemon tea it'll help you sleep better. Wait no are you having insomnia lixie?"

"Mom it's fine im ok really, i just had a lot of assignments to do so i pulled an all nighter im fine otherwise " that was a straight up line he told his mother but he didn't had the heart to tell her it was because of his workload, his parents were way to ecstatic that he had gotten the internship in such a prestigious place that he didn't wanted to let him down. He was aware his parents would force him to leave the company for his health but he wasn't ready for that.

"Dad tell mom to stop worrying. Im getting paid tomorrow anyways, and since its my first pay i want to buy you both something so anything your interested in?" Felix couldn't help but divert their attention. The video call prolonged when their parents started arguing with him to save his money since him taking care of himself was more than enough for them. The call ended up when Felix's mother insisted that they end the call so Felix could rest. Even though Felix wanted to talk to them more he knew he'd fall asleep during the call and make his parents even more worried.


Barely 3 hours of sleep for today aswell.

And like usual a barely awake Felix made his way up to the office. As soon as he stepped inside the building a notification was heard from his phone. $80,000 won were transferred to his account. Why though? Thats when it clicked him today was the end of the month meaning he got paid today. Of course he'd forget this very important piece of information. Another notification sound resonated; a message from Hyunjin. He groaned when he saw who it was from, he wasn't ready for him, it was way to early.

[BLONDIE] 8:15
I won't be available today, you can have a day off.

If only this was texted to him an hour ago. He turned his back ready to go out the doors and go straight home but a voice stopped him.

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