The Sea King Nest!

Start from the beginning

"We could've taken them though..." Luffy muttered from behind Nami.

Just like Nami said a huge gust of wind blew through all the ships causing Yukiko's hair to whip out behind her in the breeze.

The wing caught in the sails and the ship was thrust forward zooming right away from the Navy ships and leaving them in the sea foam. "Whoa! This is fast! This is a good wind." Luffy hollered from where he was leaning over the railing.

"Look at that Luffy! The Navy's falling behind!" Usopp happily exclaimed.


"Ha! You guys're slow turtles!" Usopp mocked.

"Hahhaha! The Navy isn't following us!" Usopp laughed dancing around the main deck. "Did captain Usopp scare the pants off of them?"

"Amazing, amazing just what you would expect from our navigator." Praised Luffy.

However, Yukiko began to notice something. The wind had gone away and nothing was moving.

The ship started to bob up and down even though there were no waves.

"Guys, the wind is gone. And we aren't moving." Yukiko said as Pachi got on her shoulder.

"I noticed it too." Zoro agreed.

Realization dawned upon Nami. ".AHHH! !" She screamed.

"Nami what's wrong...?" Yukiko panicked.



"Dammit!... we've accidently entered the calm belt!" Nami screeched.
Luffy eyecatch
Yukiko eyecatch: Poster has her smiling face and petting Pachi who is on her shoulder. Music is Pokemon Anime BGM Eyecatch A Diamond and Pearl.

".........we've accidently entered the calm belt!" Nami screeched.

"What's that?" Luffy asked.

"Calm belt! It's an area of the sea where nothing moves a muscle!" Nami cried.

"Nami grew her muscles?" Luffy said.

"No you-!" But the ship began rocking hard.

"What was that?!" Usopp asked.

"Earthquake? On the sea?" Sanji said.

"You guys enough chit chat!" Nami snapped. "Fold the sails and start paddling! Put the ship back on to its earlier path!" She ordered.

"Yes, Nami-san~!" Sanji swooned.

"What're you panicking about? Paddling? This is a sailboat." Zoro asked confused.

Nami didn't answer his questions just snapped at them again. "Just to do what I say! We're in big trouble!"

"Well, the sea is quiet." Luffy said.

"But we need the wind to get us back on course." Yukiko told him.

"Yeah. At least that we're in trouble." He replied. "All right! Fine I'll explain it for you all! Listen up! Since we rushed and ran away we came further south than we planned!"

There was a pause.

"So does that mean where in the Grand Line?" Luffy asked.

"Yahoo!" Usopp celebrated dancing around the deck.

Nami screamed. " If it was that easy, anyone could enter!"

Nami brought the map out that they were looking at earlier in the day everyone huddled around. "Look. The Grand Line Is running between two sea areas!~" She pointed out a blue stipe of the map labeled 'Grand Line' it was flanked by two greenish stripes labeled 'Calm Belt' on either side..

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