1.1 The Beginning

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While in class, I could see the doppelgänger and baby Salvatore staring at one another. Kinda creepy if you ask me. From my place in the back, I could easily see everything. It's exactly like I wanted. I could see Matt giving a look that reminded me of a sad puppy, directed towards Elena and baby Salvatore. Poor little human.

I started zoning out again, not caring for the rest of the class at all.


School just finished. The doppelgänger is on her way to the graveyard. There, she will be creepily stalked by the alcoholic Salvatore and stumble into baby Salvatore.

Walking to my car, I caught the gaze of Caroline Forbes. I gave her a sweet smile, one that she instantly returned. I changed my course and went to her. I could instantly see her smile became brighter and filled with warmth.

"Hello, I'm Luna Blacksmith. It is lovely to meet you, " I said with a big and warm smile. Making sure she knows that I don't harbor any I'll intentions towards her.

"Hi, I am Caroline Forbes. It's nice to meet you!" She said with an even bigger smile than before. "You're one of the new students. How was your first day here?"

"Yes, I am. And I think I'm gonna like it here." I told her with a smile. "Hey, I know we just met, but since I don't have any friends yet, I would love it if you would become my first one."

"Omg! I would love to." She told me. I didn't know it was possible, but she gained an even bigger smile than before. Something that made me smile even brighter. I loved seeing her happy.

"Great! I'm planning on going to this place called the Grill later, I was wondering if you would like to join me?" I asked her. I know she is going to be there with Bonnie, the doppelgänger, and baby Salvatore. So I'm just trying to get myself invited.

"I am going there too to meet with my friends. You should come. I would love for you to meet them." She told me.

"I would love to. When should I be there?" I asked with a smile.

"In just half an hour. Okay, see you there. I have to get home really quick."

"Okay, see you then, Caroline. It was lovely to meet you, and I can't wait to meet your other friends." With that, we both left.


When I got to the grill, I started to look around, trying to find Caroline. After a minute or so, I found her talking with Bonnie.

"His name is Stefan Salvatore. He lives with his uncle at the Salvatore boarding house. He hasn't lived here since he was a kid. The military family moved around a lot. He's a Gemini, and his favorite color is blue." I could hear her say. It has always been crazy to me how she managed to gain so much information on a random dude that no one seems to know in such a short time frame.

"You got all of that in one day?" Bonnie, the Bennett witch, asked.

"Oh, please. I got all that between the third and fourth periods." She said as if Bonnie insinuating that it took her a whole day was an insult. "We are planning a June wedding"

As they walked off to a place to sit, I went up to her. "Hello Caroline," I said.

"Omg, Luna, you made it! Luna, this is Bonnie. Bonnie this is Luna. She is new." Caroline said excitedly.

"Hello Bonnie, it is lovely to meet you." I gave her a sweet and friendly smile. As we shook hands, I could tell she felt my magic, even though she didn't know it was the magic she was feeling.

With a bright smile, she introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Bonnie Bennett. Nice to meet you."

"Luna Blacksmith. It is lovely to meet you, Bonnie. I do hope we can be friends." I told her. As we broke the handshake, she nodded, indicating a yes for becoming friends.

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