105: Aging

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It took only two seconds from Xie Kun's warning to him dragging the black shadow into the water.

Within two seconds, the black shadow first took advantage of Liang Fei's hands on the rope to sneak attack, Liang Fei turned sideways to avoid the attack after receiving the reminder. Hei Ying missed a hit and then jumped up from downstairs, almost scratching Liang Fei's eyes the moment he jumped onto the guardrail. Xie Kun was trapped on the drainpipe and had no time to protect Liang Fei, so he could only leap forward and grab the lower limbs of the black shadow, forcefully interrupting its attack.

When Liang Fei came back to his senses, Xie Kun and Heiying had already been completely submerged by stagnant water. A string of inconspicuous bubbles appeared on the surface of the water, which were immediately dispersed by the downpour.

"Senior, I can't go down..." Seeing that Liang Fei was about to climb out of the guardrail without saying a word, Luo Xinyu frantically tried to stop him.

She thought that Liang Fei was going to climb down the drain pipe, so she rushed to the side of the drain pipe first, and blocked the drain pipe with her body to prevent Liang Fei from climbing down.

However, Liang Fei didn't look at the drainpipe at all, he simply told Luo Xinyu, one hand supported the guardrail with both legs, and he flipped out of the guardrail lightly. Then he took a step forward without any hesitation, and actually jumped directly from the second floor!


After the sound of splashes subsided, the surface of the stagnant water spread out in circles of ripples. The stagnant water in the garden has no buoyancy, Liang Fei who jumped into the water was like a stone, and lost his trace when he turned around.

After his feet touched the ground, Liang Fei opened his eyes underwater. With the help of the lights in the corridor on the first floor, he immediately found Xie Kun who was trapped in the middle of the garden.

A few meters away from Liang Fei, Xie Kun and Heiying scuffled back and forth. Under the surface of the stagnant water, there is no noise on the surface of the water, and the water waves and bubbles caused by the scuffle become the only movement underwater.

There is no buoyancy in standing water, but the resistance in the water is still there. Xie Kun's movements were slow, and the black shadow pressing him didn't seem to be very good. The "fierce fight" between the two seemed to Liang Fei to be Tai Chi. Liang Fei realized that Kun was not in danger for a while, so he was able to see the shape of the black shadow clearly.

Judging from the back, this black figure is basically a thin boy. It was only because his hair was messed up, and the school uniform on his body was so gray that he couldn't see its original color, as if it hadn't been washed for 800 years, that Liang Fei mistook him for some kind of monster.

Liang Fei got used to the underwater balance, and quickly approached Xie Kun and Hei Ying against the resistance.

These two people were fighting "in full swing", pinching each other's arms and no one could do anything to the other. When Liang Fei approached the battle circle, Xie Kun was pinching Soi Ying's neck and punching Soi Ying's chest, trying to squeeze out all the air in his chest.

However, Xie Kun's strength was too weak, and after being reduced by the resistance of the water flow, it became even softer. With this punch, Soi Ying not only was not defeated by Xie Kun, but also took advantage of the situation to grab Xie Kun's left hand that was pinching him around his neck, trying to break off Xie Kun's left little finger.

Liang Fei was left speechless by the fight between the two elementary school students. He quickened his pace and rushed to Xie Kun's side, raised his hand to pull Hei Ying's left hand from Xie Kun's body, and kicked Hei Ying's stomach.

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