52: Ex-partner

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"Boss!" A person rushed out of the safe passage and ran to Yan Huan in a panic.

"What's the situation outside?" Yan Huan said unhurriedly.

As if infected by Yan Huan's easy-going attitude, the man who rushed over took a deep breath and quickly explained: "The east wall and main entrance of the base were bombed, and many predators took the opportunity to rush in!"

"Where's the patrol team?" Yan Huan asked.

"The patrol team mainly blocked the main entrance, and the brothers who were eating in the cafeteria had rushed to the gap in the east wall. When the explosion just started, some brothers rushed to support, but two predators were still let in. ' replied the man.

Yan Huan pondered for a while, then discussed with Liang Fei and She Ya: "The incident happened suddenly, so I can only ask you two for help. Two predators were attacked in the base at the same time, and I hope you can help solve one."

Of course Liang Fei would not refuse, the sudden explosion and the attack of several predators were obviously a sneak attack deliberately targeting Xingxiu. He and Shouya are still inside the Xingxiu base, so they are in the same boat as Xingxiu.

"I'm not good at fighting. I need to have two people with me at all times, so I can only spare one person to assist you." Yan Huan apologized.

With the hunting crows around, Liang Fei and the others didn't need any helpers at all, and it would be a burden to bring one more person by their side. So Liang Fei helped Yan Huan save the only man, and sent him to the main gate to support the patrol.

After the predators entered the base through the hole in the east wall, there was no team action. One of them rushed to the first and second floors where the blood bags were held, while the other disappeared.

Liang Fei and Yan Huan acted separately. Liang Fei and the hunting crow were responsible for dealing with the predator rushing towards the blood bag holding place, while Yan Huan had more manpower and was responsible for searching for the hidden predator.

After dismissing the helpers or monitors arranged by Yan Huan for them, Liang Fei and the hunting crow had no energy, and wandered to the blood bag detention place like a walk.

The locked blood bags were injected with sedatives of unknown effect, and they all lay listless on the ground. It is said that there is a "talent" in Xingxiu who likes human experimentation, and uses research on special firearms as an excuse to toss these captives.

When the predator arrived at the blood bag holding place first, the blood bags that had been locked up for a long time hardly resisted, lying on the ground quietly waiting for death. Some people have given up their will to survive a long time ago, while others are unable to run because of their weakness.

The predator smelled the smell of human gatherings, and the strong bloody smell in the airless room made the predator even more excited.


The predator roared excitedly, waking up all the blood bags in the room.

There was a clanging sound of metal clashing in the room, and the blood bags struggled with their last strength, but they were bound by shackles, and could only scurry around like headless chickens in a limited space.


A window in a certain room was smashed by a predator's paw, and glass shards shot into the room like a flying knife. A certain unlucky blood bag cut his arm with a fragment, and he bled profusely in an instant!

Smelling the smell of fresh blood, the Predator became even more excited, speeding up the speed of destroying the window, and stretched his slender arms into the window almost as soon as he turned around.

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