40: Big Bad Wolf

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Liang Fei woke up from a deep sleep, feeling that there was still severe pain in his head, but he knew that these pains were hallucinations.

He was glad that he had made the right bet, and then he felt a little scared.

The pain of the bullet crushing the skull was so real, it made him suffocate reflexively as soon as he recalled the moment he pulled the trigger.

After a night of rest, he still felt a little lack of energy, so he squinted his eyes and continued to lie on the bed, recalling last night's gambling game like a small movie in his head.

The last shot to his head seemed crazy, but it was actually in his plan long ago. The so-called exchanging one's life for the victory of the game is nothing but a wild guess of the bystanders who failed to see the truth of the game.

As early as the third round of betting, Liang Fei noticed that Siren's roulette was not as hopeless as it seemed.

At the beginning of the game, Liang Fei noticed that there were doubts about the rules of this roulette.

First of all, the traditional Russian roulette is to point the gun at yourself, why come to Siren, it becomes a moving target.

Although the Kraken's roulette has also added luck elements, the key to determining the outcome of the game is the player's marksmanship. As long as the marksmanship is good enough, you can win the game. Such rules are not so much gambling as it is a shooting game of marksmanship competition.

The charm of gambling lies in its uncertainty. Kraken's roulette loses its uncertainty, and the guests will think that this is a deadly game without any sense of resistance. After all, how could the reaction speed of human beings be better than that of monsters.

So Liang Fei guessed that the rules of this roulette game actually implied a mystery.

When Kraken read out the rules twice, it only said how many points you can get by shooting the torso, limbs and head, but never said that you must shoot the torso, limbs and head of the croupier.

The Kraken asked the dealer to wear clothing with a target pattern on the stage, but it was actually just a misleading method to interfere with the line of sight, making people mistakenly think that only by shooting the dealer can they score.

There is a layer of enchantment around the stage, and bullets cannot leave the stage, but the dealer is not the only one in the stage. The sea monster, as well as Liang Fei himself, have "limbs, torso, and head" that meet the rules and standards. So as long as the bullet hits any one of the three of them, you can get points.

Qi Bin, who was challenged by the Kraken on the third night, actually almost discovered the truth about the rules of the game.

At the last moment of the third round of the gambling game, Qi Bin lost his mind due to too much pressure. When he fell into madness, he aimed his gun at the sea monster on impulse.

It's a pity that Qi Bin made too much noise before shooting, and the croupier noticed it first, and used his body to block the bullet for his master.

Liang Fei also thought about shooting the Kraken at the end of the gamble, but he only had the last bullet left. The Kraken had scored 20 points after three rounds, and he had to ensure that the last shot hit the head without fail, so he just There was only one option left - to shoot himself in the head.

In the eyes of ordinary onlookers, his behavior is tantamount to suicide. But Liang Fei still had a guess in his mind, that is, the shooting on the stage would not lead to real death.

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