55: Research and Development

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Xia Jue stiffened her neck, her expression of pretending to be calm was uglier than crying.

He knew that he must not panic at such a time, let alone scream. The slippery touch on his neck was still there, and he wanted to pretend he didn't notice anything and continue walking, but he couldn't take a step forward.

When the fear became strong to a certain extent, he regained his composure instead. Xia Jue exhaled slowly, hypnotizing herself in her heart that what she had just now was an illusion.

When the control of his body finally returned, he slowly turned his body and glanced at the deep and dark ceiling...


"Xia Jue?" Liang Fei adjusted the light of the lighting device, and took a picture in front of the corridor.

Xia Jue became a little weird when he saw the giant monster, and walked in front without saying a word.

Liang Fei was worried that Xia Jue would lead the wrong way when he was in a trance, like calling someone back to confirm the direction. He yelled again into the darkness ahead, but there was still no response in the deep corridor.

"Xia Jue?" Liang Fei accelerated his forward speed and rushed to the position where Xia Jue was in a few steps.

Shou Ya suddenly grabbed Liang Fei and said vigilantly: "Something has come."

Liang Fei aimed the lighting device at the ground, and a small puddle of transparent liquid appeared on the dusty floor.

Before the hunting crow could stop it, Liang Fei lightly dipped the transparent liquid on the ground with his fingers. The liquid is very viscous, non-corrosive and has no special smell.

"It's warm." Liang Fei wiped off the mucus in disgust. The liquid was still warm, which meant that something had stayed here just now.

Xia Jue's disappearance location also happens to be here, so there should be some connection between the two.

"Xia Jue was captured by a monster in the research institute?" Liang Fei guessed.

Xia Jue did everything possible to make them and him enter the underground research institute to take risks. It is impossible to throw them away at this time, which shows that Xia Jue's disappearance was not his original intention.

However, they were only a few meters away from Xia Jue just now, even though the surroundings were dark, they shouldn't be unaware of the disappearance of a living person.

This place is just at the corner of the corridor, and there is only one passage after turning the corner, so there is no problem of forks. Could it be that there happened to be a monster lurking at the corner of the corridor just now, dragging Xia Jue away the moment he turned the corner?

Somewhat reluctantly, Liang Fei took a photo directly above the puddle of liquid on the ground. Above it was the ceiling in the corridor. There was no air outlet for ventilation, and there was no other place to focus on.

"Keep going." Hunting Crow said.

Liang Fei sighed helplessly, there was only one direction to go, and he could only continue to look forward to see if he could find Xia Jue.

The speed of the two was very slow. One was to minimize the sound of footsteps so as not to disturb the monsters in the dark. The second is that Liang Fei wanted to find the topographic map of the underground research institute. Even if he didn't have a detailed map, at least he had to know the approximate building area of ​​the research institute.

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