Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty.

We get out of the car and I feel James' hand on my shoulder.

"Really James, I'm okay," I assure him.
"God, I really am just so proud of you," he says as he pulls me into a hug.
"Not to add to this random act of affection, but I really am proud of both of you," Dad says.
"Okay guys, lets go and get this over with before we all start crying in the parking lot," I tease.

We walk inside and see Mum sitting at a booth, waving us down. We all walk over; Dad sits next to Mum, James sits across from her, and I sit across from Dad. It's quiet for a moment before Mum begins to speak.

"It's good to see you all," she says with a soft smile.
"Yeah," I say sternly.
"How are you guys?" She asks, looking at James and myself.
"Well we were abandoned by our mother two months ago, but not too bad," James says under his breath.

The waiter comes over and takes our order. Once he walks away, Mum speaks.

"I know I handled everything wrong, but I really do plan on making it right. I know it's going to take some time, but I'd like to come home and start proving it to you. Maybe have Nick over for dinner sometime? I owe him an apology as well," she says as she makes eye contact with me.

Do I trust her? Absolutely not. Do I want to trust her? Yeah.

"Maybe we can start by moving you back in and see how it goes. I won't be bringing Nick around if you're around right away, if I'm being honest. You judged him quite harshly and he didn't deserve it."

She nods in agreement.

"You're right. He absolutely did not deserve it. We'll go at whatever pace you'd like Charlie. I'm truly sorry, I mean it."

I nod my head and we all begin to eat.

"Sorry I'm not fully sold here Mum. But I hope you prove me wrong," James says in between bites.
'James --" Dad begins to say before Mum cuts him off.
"No Sebastian, he's right. My words really don't mean much right now and that's my own doing. I'm just happy you guys are giving me the opportunity to prove that things will be different from here on out." 

The rest of dinner is quiet with random small conversations here and there. It's no where like it use to be with us, but I guess it's a start. We finish eating and all walk out together.

"I'll pack my things and move back in tomorrow if that's okay with everyone."

Happy that she said tomorrow and not tonight to avoid that possible argument.

"Tomorrow sounds good," I say as I get into Dad's car. "Bye Mum."

Mum and I are watching a movie when my phone goes off.

Charlie: Dad says we can be by you in 20 minutes, figured you can come hang out until we leave. He'll drive us to the train station (:
Nick: How did everything go?
Charlie: She's coming back home tomorrow
Nick: Oh?
Charlie: Yeah, I agreed to it
Nick: I'm proud of you xxx
Nick: I'm ready to go by the way so I'll see you soon.

I go upstairs and grab my bag and continue watching the movie until Charlie lets me know that they're outside. I say goodbye and walk outside and get into the car.

"YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN CHARLIE TODAY, NICK! We are so proud," James exclaims.
"You're so embarrassing," I say with a smile.
"He really held his ground," Sebastian says.

I look at Charlie and smile. He takes my hand and holds it.

"Well then I guess everyone in this car is proud of you," I say.
"YOU GUYS ARE THE WORST," Charlie says with a slight chuckle.
"He also stood up for you," James says, looking back at us.

I look at Charlie confused.

"She just mentioned maybe having you over for dinner but --"
"JAMES!!!!" Charlie says while looking at me. "I did not say that. Well, I did shut it down and say she judged you for no reason and I didn't want to put you through that again."

I feel my cheeks turning red.

"I'd go through anything for you," I say to him quietly.

James pretends he's throwing up. Apparently not quiet enough.  I laugh to myself as Charlie turns red. By the time we get to the house, it's already 4:25, so Charlie and James run in quickly to get their bags because we still need to pick up Mia and the train leaves in 20 minutes. Sebastian turns around.

"I want you to know that I don't think I've ever seen my son happier in his entire life. And it's not just that, he is also the most confident he's ever been. I wanted to thank you for that."

I smile.

"I feel very lucky to be in his life, sir, I mean Sebastian. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me, if I'm being honest."

He smiles back at me.

"And my wife is coming around, I hope you both will give her another chance."
"I will if Charlie does, I just want to protect him and make sure what happened last time won't happen again."
"We will make sure it doesn't," he says.

Charlie and James get back in the car, we pick up Mia and head to the train station. Mia and James run out and Sebastian stops me and Charlie.

"Now I'm letting this happen because I trust you both. Please don't make me regret it. Don't think that this is me giving you guys permission to have --"
"OH MY GOD DAD PLEASE STOP TALKING," Charlie says while covering his face.

My face is so red that I feel like it's on fire.

"Can we go now?" Charlie begs.
"As long as we all understand each other, yes go, or you'll miss your train."

Charlie jumps out of the car and pulls me out.

"I am so sorry," he says with a laugh.
"It's fine, he's just worried about you."
"When I'm with you, I never worry," he says.

'Cause I'd Find You In Any World (Nick and Charlie - Alternate Universe)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ