Chapter Two

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Chapter 2:

I walk out of the milkshake shop sipping my new favorite flavor of milkshake. All the anger that I was previously feeling about having to move suddenly has gone away. I get back home and walk inside.

"Wow, a smile. I haven't seen that smile since I told you we were moving," Mum says.
"I had a nice walk. I think I even made a new friend," I say as I pet our dog, Nellie.

She looks at me with a smile.

"Well that's great Nicky! Wait, are you actually having a milkshake that is not bubblegum flavor?"

I laughed. "Yeah, I actually don't even know what the flavor is called. Chocolate something. The guy that works there, Charlie, suggested I try it and I figured why not."

"I've been telling you to venture off with different flavors for years!" She says, laughing as she leaves the kitchen.

She's right. I've been getting bubblegum milkshakes for years. I would never listen to anyone who told me to try a new flavor, until today that is. I smile to myself. Charlie. What a nice person and potential new friend. Suddenly, starting at a new school doesn't seem so terrible.


I look in the mirror and try to flatten my hair with my hands as best as I can. Naturally, it poofs right back up and looks the same as before. I shrug, grab my backpack and head downstairs to see my older brother, James, waiting for me.

"If you don't hurry, we're going to be late for our first day," he says, handing me my coat.
"I know, I know. I just can't get my hair to stay down," I say, looking in the mirror in the hallway attempting to flatten it with my hands again.
"You'll never get that head of hair to stay down, let's go!" He says as he pulls me out of the house.

We start walking to school and fall into a conversation.

"Excited that this is your final year?" I ask.
"Yeah. I can't wait to be done with this school," He says with a slight chuckle. "I'll miss you when I leave next year though."

I give him a slight smile.

 "I'll be okay."

I hope I'll be okay. James is the only person on this planet that truly knows me. He has been my best friend and confidant my whole life. I have my best friends at school who know me pretty well, but not as well as James does.

"You should tell your friends, you know. They aren't going to look at you differently or treat you badly. They love you. This doesn't change that."

I kick a rock in our path before responding.

"It's crazy that this thing about me is so potentially off putting to some people, that the thought of saying it sends me into panic," I say with a sigh.

James stops walking and looks at me.

"Hey. I'm here. I am still here for another year and even when I'm at Uni, you've got me still, okay?" He says.

I smile at him again. He's right though. I need to tell other people. I don't want James worrying about me when he leaves next year. I'll tell someone. If not my friends, our parents. I just need a little more time. We reach the school and part ways. As I walk to my first class, I can't help but scan the hallways for Nick. I haven't been able to get him out of my mind since our initial meeting at the Milkshake Cafe. The bell rings and the sea of students disappear. I sigh and head to my first class.

I finally find my first class after the bell had already rung.

"I'm so sorry for being late, I was having trouble finding the --"

The teacher cuts me off.

"Don't worry about it; it's your first day," she says with a smile.

I smile back and take the only seat available. The person sitting next to me smiles.

"Hey, I'm James."
"Nick," I say. "Good to meet you."
"Moving to a new school your last year? Sounds brutal."
"Tell me about it," I say with a sigh.

"Now listen up everyone, for those of you who don't know, my name is Ms. Stewart. I know this is your last year but you will still have work to do, starting with a project," she says as the whole class groans in unison.

"Relax, as far as projects go, this is fairly easy. The person at your desk will be your partner. All you need to do is make a chart with what you're planning to do after this year. Are you going to Uni? Taking a year off? Traveling? What will you be studying? I am handing out outlines for the project now."

"Want to come round my house after school?" James asks.
"Sounds good to me," I say as he writes down his address and hands it over to me.

The bell rings and I continue on with my day. I thought I would have seen Charlie but he was nowhere to be found; maybe I'll see him tomorrow. After school I start walking to James' house; he seems nice. At least everyone I've met today have made me feel welcome. Once I get to James' house, I knock on the door and it opens. However, it is not James at the door.


'Cause I'd Find You In Any World (Nick and Charlie - Alternate Universe)Where stories live. Discover now