Chapter Four

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Once we were far away enough from Nick, James looked at me.

"I think he likes you," he says. "Seems like he was flirting with you earlier today at home."
I shake my head. "He was just being friendly. He doesn't know anyone here. Plus, there is a chance that he is straight."
"Or maybe he's gay. Or bisexual. I'm just going off what I saw today and what I saw was a person flirting with another person," He says while he shrugs.

We reach our house and walk inside.

"Hey boys. Have a good first day at school today?" Dad asks.
"Yeah, it was pretty ---" James cuts me off.
"I had a project the FIRST DAY. Can you believe that?"
I roll my eyes. "Not like I was TALKING or anything James!"
He laughs. "Sorry Charlie, but you literally had NO homework today. It's my last year here. How is that even fair?"
Mum laughs. "We picked up pizza on the way home."

James and I both grab a slice and head upstairs to play Super Smash Brothers.

"So, are you going to hang out with me and Nick after school tomorrow?" He asks.
"Are you ever going to stop being so annoying and invested in my social life?" I ask, laughing.
"Absolutely not!" He exclaims.
"Mia is coming over tomorrow. We can all hang out together. I've been thinking about telling her about me," I say.

James pauses the game and focuses all his attention on me.

"Really? Charlie, that's great!" He says. "I am so proud of you."
I hug him. "You're really the best brother anyone could have you know? I would have never gotten this far without you."

He pulls out of the hug. "Okay, enough of this. PREPARE TO LOSE!" He says, unpausing the game.

I chat with Mum a bit more before heading up to my room with Nellie. I turn on the TV and start scrolling through Instagram on my phone. I go to the search bar and type in "Charlie Spring". I click on his profile, which is private. I request to follow him and continue back to my endless scrolling. I see that I have a text message from my best friend, Will.

Will: Hey. How was your first day? We miss you over here!
Nick: Actually not too bad. Yours?
Will: Oh yeah? Anything interesting happen? You know how it is over here, same old.
Nick: Not really. Hung out with Charlie and his brother James.
Will: Oh, you saw Charlie again? How was that?

At my old town, I was out to the people I was close with. My mum, some friends. I actually told Mum and Will together; he's basically my brother.

Nick: You and my Mum are literally the same person LOL. It was FINE. Nothing happened. I'm hanging out with them again tomorrow after school.
Will: So you have a new boyfriend and I've been replaced as your best friend ALL WITHIN ONE WEEK!
Nick: LOL GOODNIGHT WILL! I will see you this weekend if I haven't forgotten about you by then (:

A notification pops up on my phone letting me know that Charlie accepted my request on Instagram. I look at his profile and contemplate messaging him. I don't know if he's interested in guys and I don't want to come on too strong if he isn't. Against my better judgement, I decide to message him anyway.

Nick: Did you end up beating James at Super Smash Brothers? LOL

James and I both won a game so we decided to play one more round to declare a winner. As we are picking our characters, my phone goes off.

"Nick just requested to follow me on Instagram," I say.
James looks at his phone as well. "He did NOT request to follow me. That jerk," he says, laughing. "But also, I told you so."
"This doesn't mean anything James," I say, smiling.

We start playing the game and at the last second, I win.

"HA!!!" I scream. "LOSER!"
"You got lucky! Tomorrow is a new day!" He says while shutting off the game. "Oh, Nick requested to follow me too."
I let out a little sigh. "See? I told you, it doesn't mean anything; OH MY GOD NICK MESSAGED ME!"
"What did he say?!" He says as he runs over to my phone and reads the message.

Nick: Did you end up beating James at Super Smash Brothers? LOL

"Well, you did lose," I say, laughing.
"When you guys start dating, please make sure he knows that I called it. Goodnight," he says as he leaves my room.

I throw myself on the bed as I begin to type a response.

Charlie: It was pretty close actually but YES I DID
Nick: AMAZING! I had fun hanging out with you guys today.
Charlie: You really only hung out with James except for the five minutes you spent eating all the ice-cream at my job :P
Nick: And I'd do it all again! LOL never turn down free ice-cream!
Nick: So do you work tomorrow too?
Charlie: Nope, you'll be stuck with me and James all day after school LOL
Nick: "stuck" haha you say it like it's a bad thing
Charlie: Well, you'll be wishing I was at work once you see my SUPERIOR gaming skills
Nick: I really doubt that, I like hanging out with you. I also doubt your gaming skills are as good as mine
Nick: Goodnight Charlie :)

Maybe.... James is right? Could he be right? I re-read the conversation over and over again. I guess time will tell. I smile and start typing.

Charlie: I'll scan the hallways for you tomorrow since you were looking for me today :P
Charlie: Goodnight Nick :))

'Cause I'd Find You In Any World (Nick and Charlie - Alternate Universe)Where stories live. Discover now