Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

There's a knock at the door and I hear James shouting from upstairs.

"Charlie, can you get that? It's for me!"
"Yeah, no problem!" I say as I go to the door.

I open the door and to my surprise, Nick is standing there.


He looks just as confused as I am.

"Hey Nick. Are you here for James? He's my brother," I say with a smile.
"Yeah. Can you believe we have a project our first day? You told me it wasn't so bad here," he says, laughing.

I laugh back. "Come on in, he'll be down in a minute."

Nick walks in and we sit down in the living room.

"Besides the project, how was your first day?" I ask.
"It was okay. Everyone was really nice. Your brother's cool too," He says.
"He's the best," I reply.
"Surprised I didn't see you though. I won't lie, I looked around because I thought it would be nice to see a familiar face," He admits.

I am hoping my cheeks are not as red as they currently feel. I see James about to walk into the living room but stops when he hears us talking. The best wingman but also the nosiest. I continue our conversation.

"Well, there's always tomorrow," I say jokingly. He laughs.
"I might hold you to that," he says.

James walks in.

"Hey Nick, sorry. I was on the phone with my mum," he says. He then looks at me. "Mum is stuck at work and can't drive you to the Milkshake Cafe for your shift."
"Ah, okay I better get ready then so I make it on time!" I say as I run up the stairs.

I can't tell if Nick is just being friendly or flirty. Either way, I could talk to him all day. I get ready for work and walk downstairs to see James and Nick working on their project. James looks up at me.

"What time are you there until?" He asks.
"8:30" I say.
"Maybe we'll come by and grab milkshakes at the end of your shift?" He says, looking at Nick to see if he's on board.
"Yeah, that sounds good!" He says.

James looks at me once Nick is focused on the project.

"You're welcome," he mouths to me with a smile.

Charlie walks out of the house and James and I continue to work on our project.

"You met Charlie before?" He asks.
I smile. "He was actually the first person in this town I met. I went to the Milkshake Cafe last week while he was working. He's really nice," I say.
"Yeah. He's my best friend. I honestly don't think a better person exists actually," He says.

We finish the project by eight and start heading to the Milkshake Cafe. Right before we reach the door, James looks at me.

"I'm just going to stop at the game store really quick. Charlie knows what milkshake I like," He says as he walks off.

I walk inside the Cafe and see Charlie at the register. I smile.

"Hey," I say. "How was your shift?"
He smiles back. "I still have five more minutes but not so bad. Where is James?"
"Oh, he went to buy a game I think. He said you know what flavor he wants."

He grabs three cups and begins to make the milkshakes.

"Bubblegum? Or have I gotten you off that crazy train?" He asks, laughing.
"It's not a crazy train. but I will take that chocolate one again. Have you ever even tried bubblegum?"
"Not the milkshake, but the ice-cream. I've tried all the ice-cream flavors here," He says. "Bubblegum isn't for me. You want to try the ice-cream flavors? We're locking up anyway."

I smile and nod. While Charlie is making the milkshakes, he starts handing me little spoons of each flavor.

"This job definitely has it perks, huh? Eating ice-cream all day? Sounds like a dream," I say.

He finishes making the milkshakes and hands me mine. Our hands touch for a quick second and I immediately feel butterflies. We look at each other and smile. James walks in and grabs his milkshake.

"Got us Super Smash Brothers!" He says, holding up the game.
Charlie smiles. "YES! Prepare to lose when we get home," he says.

We start walking towards our houses which for the most part is in the same direction.

"I'm this way," I say pointing in the opposite direction they're heading. "See you guys tomorrow?"
"Sure thing, maybe after school you can come get your ass kicked at Super Smash Brothers," James said, laughing.
"Sounds like fun," I say.
"Have a good night," Charlie says as he walks off with James.

I get home and lean on the door once it's closed. What a great day. I smile to myself. I then realize Mum is staring at me from the couch.

"Good day?" She asks.
"Yeah. Made a new friend today. Charlie from the Milkshake Cafe last week, his brother James."
"That's great! I'm glad you're adjusting well. I see you got another chocolate milkshake," she says with a suspicious smirk. "So is this Charlie a friend or something more?"

I laugh.

"Mom, I don't like every guy I meet. I don't even know if he's gay."
"Well, you've only smiled twice since we've moved here and both times you've had that chocolate milkshake in your hand. If he's the reason you're smiling, he's okay in my book," she says.

I smile. He's definitely more than okay in my book.

'Cause I'd Find You In Any World (Nick and Charlie - Alternate Universe)Where stories live. Discover now