Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen.

We all start walking around; Erin and Nick showing us places they all hang out at together, their school, well Nick's old school, things like that. I look around and see that no one is really paying attention to us. I mean, why would they? Still, I can't pretend that I'm not hesitant. Nick's eyes meet mine and he smiles at me and, somehow, I'm at ease. I smile back and intertwine our fingers. James quickly looks at our hands, then me and smiles. I thought I'd be more nervous, but honestly I've never felt more myself than I do here. However, that just solidifies my fear that my biggest obstacle will be telling my parents; more specifically, my mother. As we continue to walk, I can't help but picture everyday being this great. I mean, all I'd have to do is come out. I'm basically out right now. We reach the movies and see Will and Michael waiting for us.

"I'm a little offended that you've been here for like, an hour and I'm just seeing you now," Will says as he hugs Nick.
"You're ridiculous," Nick says.
"James, Charlie; Nice to see you guys again!" Michael adds.

We all say hello, buy our tickets and get on line at the concession stand.

"Are you hungry? Do you want any snacks?" Nick asks.
"I can pay," I say shyly.
"Absolutely not. I'm giving you a tour of my old town so technically, I'm taking you out on this date. Everything is on me," he says as he playfully pushes me.
"In that case, I'm ordering everything," I tease.

As we continue to wait in line, I wish I could focus on anything but Nick, but I can't. It's surreal to me that this is even my life right now. Up until Nick, I was perfectly content, well no, but I accepted that I would just be closeted forever, or at least until college. That I would never get to do the things that everyone in high school are doing. But then Nick came into my life and completely flipped it upside down, in the best possible way. He made me want all those things that everyone in high school is experiencing. I want to go out on dates, fall in love and show off who I'm with to the world. He looks at me and starts to speak but I cut him off by kissing him.

"I'm sorry but I just had to," I say with a chuckle. "What were you saying?"

I see his cheeks turning red as he tries to remember what he was going to say.

"Um, sorry. You caught me off guard there and I completely spaced. Also, don't every apologize for doing that," he says as he leans in, looking into my eyes to make sure I'm okay with him kissing me again.

I lean closer to him, crashing my lips into his.

"You're right. I'm definitely not sorry for doing that," I tease.

I look over at James and Erin who seem to be hitting it off; even though James can barely take his eyes off of me and Nick. I shake my head with a smile and text him so it's not obvious.

Charlie: Dude, pay attention to your date!
James: I AM!
Charlie: Every time I look at you two, I see you staring at me!
James: I can't help it, I'm so proud :')
Charlie: And I love you for that
Charlie: However, if you screw up this date by being obsessed with my love life, you'll never forgive yourself :p
James: Point taken. Be prepared to tell me everything in detail later when we get home
Charlie: Wouldn't imagine my night going any other way honestly lol

"Telling James to leave us alone?" Nick asks, laughing.
"How'd you know?"
"I've felt his stares all day," Nick jokes.

We get our snacks all start heading toward the theater. Will and Michael walk up to us.

"Charlie, Will has not shut up about your friend that we met last week," Michael says.

Will slaps Michael in the arm.

'Cause I'd Find You In Any World (Nick and Charlie - Alternate Universe)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum