Chapter Thirty Three

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Chapter Thirty Three.


Thanksgiving is coming up in less than a week and it's been an interesting couple of months. Mum and Dad have still been going to therapy; Mum has been staying at Mia's house, much to Mia's distain. Dad has asked James and I to go, and James has made it very clear that he has no intention of seeing Mum until I am ready; and if I'm being honest, I really haven't been ready to see her. My life has felt really complete recently, even with the absence of her around. Nick and I have been doing amazing, and we have this group of close knit friends now. James and Erin and Will and Mia have been going strong these past couple of months too. Michael even started talking to someone, although he won't tell any of us who it is just yet; he wants to wait. Honestly, I've just been really happy. 

"Dad, I need you to stop pushing having Mum over for Thanksgiving. If Charlie isn't ready, then it just can't happen. He doesn't deserve it, he's finally happy," I can hear James saying while I make my way downstairs.
"I just think she's made really good progress and deserves a chance --"
"Progress? There should have not been any progress to be made! That's her SON. The way she reacted is really unforgiveable. It's one thing to be taken back but she was flat out awful."

I walk into the kitchen and they both immediately become quiet.

"Oh hey Charlie," Dad says.

I sigh.

"Dad, if you really want me to give Mum a chance, can it be the day before Thanksgiving? If I'm being honest, I'm not sure how I'm going to react and I don't want to ruin dinner. Plus, I thought I would ask Nick and his Mum to join us and I would much rather spend my holiday with them than her. But if you really think she deserves a chance, I want to trust you. I'm just not ready to sit down at a dinner table on a holiday acting like everything is okay."

James and Dad both look at me, stunned.

"Charlie, are you sure? No one is going to force you to have a conversation with her," James says.
"I know, but I'm going to have to confront her at some point right? I can't keep putting it off."
"You don't have to do this if you don't want to," Dad says.
"It's fine Dad. I'm ready."

Dad nods his head.

"Okay. I'll see if she wants to come over sometime before Thursday," Dad says.
"How are things between you two anyway?" James asks, curiously. 
"If I'm being honest, we haven't really discussed our relationship. The therapy sessions have mostly been for her, I only go once in awhile. The therapist felt like she needed to sort through things on her own. I also don't really know what is next for the two of us until I know what is next for you guys when it comes to her. I won't make a decision until I know that."

Suddenly, it feels like the weight of our entire family unit is on my shoulders.

"So, if Mum and I can't resolve things, everything falls apart... and it's all my fault," I say.

Dad walks over to me and places his hands on my shoulders.

"Charlie, you listen to me; none of the events that have happened in these past couple of months are your fault. Your mother made the choices that she did; she is the one who reacted horribly. If you can't forgive her or if she can't come to accept and love you for who you are, she is the reason that everything falls apart, not you. Again, I do not have to invite her here if you are not ready to see her."

I smile and hug him. It's nice to have that reassurance. A couple of months ago, I wouldn't have believed him; but now I know that I have no reason to hide who I am and that everyone who truly loves me would never see me differently just because of who I love.

"Okay Dad, if she wants to come this week, let her. This conversation needs to happen at some point."

Dad picks up the phone and calls her. He places his hand over the phone and looks at me.

"She said she can come now. Are you up for it or do you want me to tell her to come another day?"

James looks at me and nods.

"She can come now," I say, trying to be as confident as I can be.

Dad gets off the phone and looks at me.

"It's okay, Charlie. James and I are here and we are on your side."
"I know, thanks guys," I say with a slight smile.
"If she says anything like she did the last time, I swear to god --

I cut James off.

"I know James," I say with a chuckle. "Thanks."

The next few minutes are silent. James and my phone vibrate at the same time. It's our group chat with Mia.

Mia: Your Mum just left here. Charlie, are you really ready for this?
Charlie: Yeah. I have a lot of good people in my corner :)
Mia: James, protect our Charlie, please!
James: Honestly Mia, I think he's got this but you know I won't let anything happen to him
Mia: Let me know how it goes?
Charlie: Will call you right after <3

All of a sudden, we all hear the car pull into the driveway. I feel my palms getting sweaty but shake it off. She doesn't get to do this to me; she doesn't get to make me feel this way when I've done nothing wrong and she's done everything wrong. Even though she technically lives here, we hear a knock at the door.

"Are you ready?" James asks as Dad walks to the door.

I look at him and nod.

"You can open the door Dad, I'm ready."

'Cause I'd Find You In Any World (Nick and Charlie - Alternate Universe)Where stories live. Discover now