Chapter Six

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Nick is gay. Nick is gay. SAY SOMETHING CHARLIE. SAY ANYTHING. A WORD. A SOUND. SOMETHING. This is the information you have been waiting for, you freak! SAY ANYTHING. The anxiety creeped in. If I tell Nick I'm gay, then what? I'm out? I'm not ready for that. I literally just told my friend that I've known my WHOLE life this morning and now I'm suppose to tell Nick? Who I've known for about a week? I feel the sweat start to come down my face as I search for anything to say. I must have been silent for two minutes by now.

"Oh.. that's cool," I say as I am wishing I could bang my head repeatedly into a brick wall.

There's another wave of silence as we start walking again.

"So, any guys you interested in?" I ask, trying to break the silence.

I'm not ready to tell him anything, but I also don't want him to think I'm judging him and I don't want to scare him away. He lets out a small laugh.

"Um, maybe a person or two that has caught my eye," he says coyly.
"Well, maybe I can put in a good word for you if you tell me their names," I say.

He shakes his head.

"You're not learning all my secrets today, Charlie Spring," he says, with a slight smile.

I can't help but wonder if my reaction wasn't what he expected. I keep trying to think how I would have reacted if the roles were reversed. I'd probably crawl under my covers and never leave my room again. However, Nick, to me anyways, seems like he has got it all figured out. We grab the pizza and continue walking back to my house. My phone goes off and I see that James texted me.

James: How's that walk going? (;
Charlie: SHUT UP. We're a block away.
James: Anything interesting happen?
Charlie: YES.

We reach the door and walk inside to see James and Mia watching TV. Nick walks into the living room while James walks straight over to me and pulls me into the kitchen.

"We're just going to get plates and drinks, be right back!"

James, the king of being subtle. Once we are out of earshot, he looks at me.

"Well? What happened?" He asks quietly as he gets the plates.
"He's gay," I whisper.
"I told you he was flirting with you," James says excitedly.
"I stood there like an idiot when he told me. I couldn't tell him, I'm not ready to be out."
"No one is telling you to come out to the world. But if you're crushing on Nick, you should tell him before it's too late."
"If I tell him and he likes me, then what? We date? I don't even know how it would work. Mum and Dad don't even know, I just can't --"

James puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Slow down Charlie. Why don't we just see how today goes. Maybe you'll want to tell him," he shrugs.
"You should of seen me James, if the roles were reversed, I would have never come back here. I am such an idiot."
He smiles at me. "Well, doesn't it say a lot about him that he still came even with that reaction?"

As I sit on the couch with Mia, I can't help but think I made a huge mistake telling Charlie that I'm gay. Well, at least now I know he clearly is not interested in me in that way. I am a bit mortified about how that scene played out, but at least I've told enough people in my life that I prepared myself for all reactions.

"Can I ask you something?" Mia blurts out.

I know I've only known her for a day, but she seems like the kind of person who will completely speak her mind.

"Um, yeah, sure. What's up?" I say.
"Do you like Charlie?" She whispers. "Sorry, I'm just going off of body language today, and you just seem to light up when he's around you.."

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