Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight.

Dad texts me saying it's okay to come home now. I wonder what just happened there. I let him know I was stopping at Mia's first like I promised and asked if Mum would be there and if I should just avoid it altogether. He assured me that she would not be at Mia's and also that Nick is welcome to come back over if that's what I wanted.

"Hey, you okay?" Nick asks.
"Dad said it's safe to go home now. I think I'm going to stop by Mia's. Do you want to come?"
"I think you should go by yourself, they're your family and probably want to spend some time with you after everything that has happened. Maybe I can come over later though?"

I smile.

"Yeah, that sounds nice."

Nick walks me down to the door.

"I'll call you later?" I say.

He leans in and gives me a quick kiss.

"You better," he says with a smile.

I start walking to Mia's and feel a panic come over me. What if Mum drives passed any of the streets that I'm walking on? Would she stop? What would she say? It's crazy to me that my Mum said so many horrible things to me that I'm afraid to even walk around in my own neighborhood. Once I reach Mia's house, I knock on the door and Jane opens it. She gives me a sympathetic look and I just melt into her arms, sobbing. She brings me inside and closes the door.

"There, there, Charlie. It's okay. You are safe here," she assures me. 

I level my breathing and slow down my sobs. I don't know what came over me; I guess to me, she's like a second Mum, so to see her look at me that way, it just really made me emotional. We make our way over to the kitchen as I wipe my tears. Richard immediately puts down his newspaper and pulls me into a hug.

"You know we don't agree with your mother, right? We love you. We just want you to be happy. You're family."

I try to make sure I don't begin to sob again, I just let the tears silently stream down my face. This was the reaction I was hoping for last night.

I sit down at the table with them as Jane brings me tissues and a cup of tea.

"I'm so sorry she said the things she said to you last night. You don't deserve it. You're an amazing young man who shouldn't be treated any differently because of who you're interested in," Jane says as she places her hand on mine. "You want to tell us about him? Or about when you knew? Anything? We're here to listen."

Everything that I'm hearing makes me want to curl back up into a ball, but I'm not going to anymore. I won't give my Mum that satisfaction. I need to look at all the people around me that are supporting me. I feel Richard's hand on my shoulder.

"Um, well.. I knew I was gay pretty much my whole life. I told James a couple of years ago and told Mia on the first day of school this year."
"It must have been so hard keeping that to yourself for all those years, before telling James," he says.
"Even after telling just James," Jane chimes in.
"It was, but it was never an issue. I didn't have feelings for anyone or even thought anyone would be remotely interested in me..."
"Until?" Jane asks, genuinely interested in learning about Nick. 

I offer a slight smile.

"Until Nick moved into town."
"Your Dad said he's a great guy," Richard adds.
"He's the best. He's been so great, even before I came out to him."
"Was it scary? Coming out to him?" Jane asks. 
"It was, for a second. But, I already knew he was gay so I knew he wouldn't judge me."
"We're really proud of you,"  Richard says.
"I hear proud speeches so I know my brother is here," James says as he walks down the stairs with Mia.

I roll my eyes but smile at him. They both walk over to me and Mia pulls me into another hug.

"Are you going to embrace me like this every time we see each other now?"
"Yes," she says sternly.
"Any news on the home front?" James asks, looking at me.

I shake my head.

"Dad said it was okay to come home, but that's all."
"So I'm assuming Mum left again."

I shrug.

"I don't know. I don't care. I can't care."
"Just know you have so many people who support you," Jane says.

I look at her and smile.

"I know, thanks. It means so much that you both welcomed me with open arms."
"Of course we would, you're family Charlie and we love you," Richard says.
"I would have disowned them if they didn't," Mia jokes.
"She probably would. Luckily, she doesn't have to," Jane says.
"Do you mind if I go to Charlie's and James?" Mia asks.
"Of course you can. I think it's important to have Charlie be surrounded by people who support him."

I smile and we all say goodbye and start walking to our house.

"I wonder if your Dad is going to tell us what happened," Mia says.
"I'm sure he is. Especially if she isn't there, he's going to have to explain why," James says.
"I'm not sure I even want to hear it anymore. It's just excuse after excuse with her and she isn't even owning up to anything."

James stops walking and Mia and I turn to face him.

"Dude, who are you right now? I'm so proud of you for putting your foot down."

He looks at me and then Mia again.


We both laugh.

"Shut up, James," I say.
"No, seriously bro. I am not even a little bit worried for you when I have to leave next year. You got this."
"Nick and I will be here to help too, though," Mia chimes in.
"Thanks guys," I say as I look at James. "Still feel free to worry about me a little bit."

He pulls me into a hug.

"If you ever need me, I'll be here that same day."

Suddenly, instead of looking at all the negatives, I can see so many positives in my life. I feel very lucky to have the people I have in my life, they truly are the best. We reach our door and James looks at us.

"Ready," I say.

'Cause I'd Find You In Any World (Nick and Charlie - Alternate Universe)Where stories live. Discover now