Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven


The week was pretty uneventful. I've been helping Mum get things ready for my birthday party tomorrow and Charlie has been working most of the week. We still talk everyday, all the time actually, but the alone time I've been so desperately craving with him will not happen until we have our date Sunday. Still, tomorrow should be a good day. I'm excited to introduce him to my friends and have him be in an environment where he can truly be himself. My Mum won't bother us and everyone that's coming pretty much knows about him; about us. I know we just met about a month ago, and only have gone on one official date, but I'm smitten. I want Charlie to be my boyfriend but I am afraid it is way too soon to ask. I don't want to pressure him, or make him feel like he needs to do or say anything before he is ready. I'm also nervous about moving this relationship any further, for my own emotional safety. My last relationship started similarly to this. What if his parents don't approve of him being gay, if he ever tells them? What if they forbid us to see each other? I know he said his Dad is cool, but his Mum? It seems like that is the main reason he is afraid to come out to his family. I try to not focus on things I cannot control but since my heart is invested, I can't help but wonder, what if this ends terribly?

"Nicky, all ready for school?" I hear Mum ask from downstairs.

I walk downstairs and see Mum and Nellie with birthday hats on.

"Happy birthday baby!" She says as she pulls me into a hug.
"Thanks Mum. I love you"
"You'll get your presents later, you don't want to be late for school," she says.

On my way to school, my phone starts to go off.

Nick: LOL thanks you guys! Can't wait for you to get here later and for you to meet everyone tomorrow!
Will: "Everyone" you literally just want us to meet Charlie
Nick: James and Mia are awesome too!
Will: Ah, my replacement, James.
Michael: You're so annoying, Will.
Erin: No wonder Nick wants to replace you :p

I leave the chat and see that I have a message from Charlie.

Charlie: Happy birthday!! xxx
Nick: Thanks :) you could have waited five more minutes to tell me in person :p
Charlie: LOL just you wait
Nick: What does that mean lol
Charlie: You'll see :)

I get to school and I don't see Charlie, James or Mia outside like I usually do. I walk in and start heading to my locker.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They all scream in unison.
"Thanks you guys!"
"You need a new lock for your locker, that's going to be your present from me," James says as he hands me my busted lock.
"What did you do?" I ask, laughing.

Mia opens the locker to reveal that they completely decorated it. I look at all the happy birthday stickers taped to my locker, a balloon and a cupcake.

"You guys didn't have to do this!" I say.
"You're one of us now, of course we did!" Mia says.

I look at them all my lock my eyes on Charlie and smile. The bell rings and everyone starts heading to their classes.

"Come on, we're going to be late," James says.
"Well, hold on now. I need to make sure my locker closes since it doesn't lock," I joke.

I pick up the cupcake and see that there is a card underneath.

"Nick xx" the envelope reads. I smile to myself, already knowing who it's from. I walk into class with James and sit down, staring at the card.

"Ohhh, who is that from?" James asks curiously.

'Cause I'd Find You In Any World (Nick and Charlie - Alternate Universe)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя