They arrive at their location and all the children immediately run up to the two.

"Mr. Jeongin! Mr. Seungmin!"

"Look at this picture I drew!"

"I learned how to count to thirty while you were away!"

"Are you here to teach again!?"

"Okay everyone settle down," says Jeongin,"Unfortunately I can't stay to teach."

"Aw..." The children say in unison.

"But I did bring you something."

Jeongin reaches into the bag he is carrying and pulls out something that looks like a fish.

"Ta da~ I got you all a snack!"

The children stare at the dish shaped snack in aww.

"It's shaped like a fish!"

"It's so cute!"

"What is it?"

"It's called bungeo-ppang," Jeongin explains,"Its bread shaped like a fish with a sweet filling inside."

"I want to try one!"

"Me too!"

The children start to jump around Jeongin, making Seungmin step in.

"Alright, alright, calm down everyone," says Seungmin,"All of you will get one, but you'll need to be patient. How about you all line up, one behind the other, and then Jeongin and I will hand them out. Okay?"

The children listen to Seungmin and begin to form a line, one behind the other, in front of the two rulers.

Jeongin and Seungmin then begin to hand out the snack to the children, making sure everyone gets one each. The last two children come forward, and it's Junghoon and Jiuen.

"Thank you, Mr. Jeongin and Mr. Seungmin!" says Jiuen.

"It's no problem," says Jeongin.

As the two take a bite out of the snack, Seungmin notices something red on Junghoon's skin from under his sleeve.

"Hey, Junghoon, can I see your arm?" Seungmin asks.

Junghoon, slightly confused, reaches his arm out. Seungmin then rolls up his sleeve to see that his right arm has a huge red rash.

"Woah," Seungmin muttered.

Jeongin kneels down to get a closer look, worried for Junghoon's sake.

"Junghoon, what happened?"

"I...I don't know."

"It might be from when we went exploring a few days ago," says Jiuen,"You woke up the next morning with that on your arm."

"I can't tell if this is just a rash or hives or literally anything else," Seungmin turns and whispers to Jeongin, "This is a world of magic. What if it's not so simple?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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