Chapter 30

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Weapons clashing.

The grass tainted with blood.

Flashing lights.


Who was that?

Who surrendered?

Who won?

Felix wakes up from his slumber. Sweat rolling down his face.

'It was a dream', he thought.

If Felix did not have this power, he would have just brushed off this dream like it was nothing. But he did have this power. This power that let him have dreams that can predict the future.

One side will retreat. One side will be victorious. But who?


Noon is approaching.

The seven boys brushing up on their powers, preparing for a potential war. At least potential to the six of the seven. Felix has not told anyone about his dream. Which made him seem a bit off to some while training. Not in a way that made him seem distracted, but more determined to train and get stronger.

"Felix!" Chan calls the younger to the side and drags him away from the others. He orders the rest to continue training.

"Are you okay?" Chan is one of the few to notice Felix's odd behavior. However, he is the first to confront Felix about it.

"I'm fine." Felix answers, "Just a bit nervous, that's all."

Chan is unsure on whether that was all that was bothering Felix.

"Did...Did you have another dream?"

Felix stays quiet, but he keeps eye contact with Chan.


He stays silent, this time breaking eye contact.

At this point, Chan is certain that he had another dream. More specifically, a dream about today.

Chan puts both of his hands on Felix's shoulders gently. Felix looks at him.

"I don't know what you saw, but I will use every fiber in my being to make sure that we are all safe by the end of this," Chan rests a hand on his cheek, "Okay?"

Felix takes a deep breath and slowly nods. Chan takes his hands off of Felix and starts to head back to the others.


Chan turns to Felix.

"Can you promise me, that no matter what happens, don't let us retreat."

"Lix, I- "


Chan stays silent for a bit.

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