•Chapter 41• Disappearance

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"Are we even sure about this? Couldn't it be grandma?" Andrew suggested. "Grandma wouldn't come here without my mom. She wouldn't just hop in unannounced. Who else could it be?" Megan replied. She briefly glanced over her shoulder to look at her cousin again. "She's still not picking up?" She asks. He shakes his head as he puts his phone back into his pocket. "I've already called her fifteen times. She's not picking up." He answers, "Besides, Jerry wanted her to stay out of this." He reminds her. Megan cursed under her breath as they hurried into the building. They ran past the front desk completely ignoring the people who called after them. "This way," Megan said. Andrew followed her closely as they rushed toward Eric's room. They were going so fast that Megan bumped into her father's nurse harshly. The woman groans in pain as she puts her hand over her chest. "Oh, god, I am so sorry." Megan apologized. Andrew grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from the woman. They had no time to waste. The woman muttered something to herself and followed the two, telling them to stop their pace. Megan led them to her father's room. But he was gone. The bed was empty. "Holy shit," Andrew gasped. Megan's gaze moved further to spot Henry bleeding out on the floor. She rushed toward her cousin to put her hands over his wound. He'd already lost so much blood. Andrew's face was pale. He put his hands behind his head, not sure what to do. "Shit, shit, shit," He whispered to himself, "S-somebody! Help!" He calls out.

The nurse entered the room, finally catching up with the two, her eyes immediately fell upon the boy. She pressed a button she wore constantly and hurried toward Henry. "Did you see what happened?" The woman asks. Megan shakes her head as tears stung in her eyes. "N-no. He was just here. We don't know for how long. Please, can you do something?" She asks. Doctors and nurses hurried into the room, absolutely shocked by the sick sight in front of them. Henry was still breathing but his heart was weak. "P-please be careful with him. Please, be careful with my brother." Andrew pleaded as they lifted the boy off the ground. Megan hurried over to him and wrapped him up in her arms. "I don't want him to go." Andrew sobbed into her shoulder. "We'll do everything we can." A doctor assured them. The two teens were taken out of the room by the kind nurse. "Is he going to be okay?" Megan asked her. The woman cupped the girl's face in her hands. "We will do anything we can, dear." She promised. Andrew looks up at Megan as the nurse leaves to get them something to drink. "You don't think -" He started. "Who else?" Megan sighed and embraced her cousin tighter. A younger nurse came walking toward them. She furrowed her eyebrows at her colleagues who were rushing past her. She approached the two teens. "Is everything alright?" She asked kindly. Megan glances up at her. The younger nurse looked over her shoulder. "This may seem like a strange question, but have either of you seen a boy? He's around your age, he was visiting the patient in this room?" She asks.

Liz walked into her bedroom after taking a shower. She dries her hair with the fresh towel her mother had put out for her. She humms to herself as she walks over to her closet. She was exhausted. She unknowingly pulls out a sweater Jerry had left at her house. She quickly caught the boy's scent which was still all over the piece of clothing making her smile. She walks over to her bed and lies down, pulling the warm covers over her body. It felt like a warm hug. Something she was aching for now that she had to miss Jerry all over again. She put her hand over her forehead and sighed. Was she desperate to think like this? Obsessive? It felt like he was being locked away all over again. There was no telling when they would see each other again. Bill was like a ghost. No one kept a close eye on him these days since he was... well 'dead'. She simply wanted to be with him. She wanted him to be okay and feel okay. As she lay down, she started to imagine Jerry being in the room with her. He would put his arm over her waist, wrapping it around her tightly, and pulling her closer. She would feel his soft breaths against the back of her head. Liz started smiling to herself as she imagined her boyfriend in a loving moment. She cuddles herself in the sweater. Suddenly, she remembers her phone. Liz turns around to grab the device off the nightstand. She immediately sat up straight again. She has missed calls and messages. She texts them back to ask them what's going on. But no response came whatsoever. She sighs and brushes her hair out of her face. She would stay there until she heard something from them. Her parents wouldn't let her go anyway. And she wouldn't sneak out again.

Jerry sat beside his sister as she drove them to this 'safe house' they would be staying at. Jayden was like a grumpy child sitting in the backseat. Jack was a bit excited. They would have a normal bed to sleep in again. "Is this house big?" He asks his sister. She gives him a little smile. "It's bigger than ours." She answers. "Do we all get our own bedroom?" Jerry questions. Jade nodded. "Yeah, there are four bedrooms and a guest room." She tells her brother. "How big is this house?" Jack asks, eyes wide in surprise. She couldn't help but smile at her brother's enthusiasm. Jack patted his youngest brother's shoulder. "This one over here doesn't mind a bedroom of his own." He jokes. "Shut up," Jayden tells him from the backseat. "So, now he speaks." Jerry cuts in. Jayden glares at his brothers. "He's grumpy. Let him be." Jade tells the other two. Jayden ignores his sister's words and turns back to look outside instead. Jerry also stayed silent. Jack looks at his brother. "What's the matter? Touch a nerve?" Jack teased his brother. "If you're talking about Liz -" Jerry started. "Yes, I'm talking about her. That was the whole joke. Way to ruin it." Jack complained. Jade turns to Jerry briefly. "I think you two are adorable, by the way." She tells him, "You make her really happy." She added. Jerry's lips formed a shy smile. "You think?" He questions. "Is that an actual question? Weren't you supposed to be the smart one of the three? Have you seen that smile or that glint in her eyes? She's so happy when she's with you. I've only seen her this happy when she sees a puppy and holds it like a baby. Totally in love." Jade informs her brother.

"Well, if we're praising this one then I've got something to say as well. You two are cute together. Makes me kind of jealous actually." Jack admits. Everyone looks at the boy, shocked and confused by his words. Did those really just come out of him? "Really?" Jerry asks him. Jack nodded his head. "Yeah, I said it. You're good together." He said, "So when she decides to dump your ass, tell her I'm available." He continued. Everyone in the car chuckled. "That sounds a lot more like you." Jerry sighed. "You know, I genuinely thought you would say something nice this time without making a joke," Jade tells him earning an eye roll from Jack. "Someone's gotta bring the entertainment around here. I need to practice." Jack defends himself. "And you couldn't keep Liz out of that?" Jerry asks his brother. "Awh, you love her so much, don't you? Ah! I saw that blush. Yeah, you do." Jack smirks. Jayden sits up briefly to slap the back of his brother's head harshly. "Ow! Hey, that hurt!" Jack whined. "Maybe you should shut up so I won't slap you again." Jayden threatened, "You should be glad I slapped you." He mumbled. Jade looks at the oldest triplet through the review mirror. He makes eye contact with her before turning his head to look outside the window again. Jerry looks at Jade. He notices her rubbing her eyes. "Are you alright?" He says softly. Jade simply nods her head in response.

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