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*A Few Months Later*

After Christmas, things started looking up for the small group. Remus and Sirius were back together, and James and Talinda were going strong. Harry loved his parents, and he was always wanting to spend time with them. He thought they were the coolest people in the world, which James hoped would last forever.

As Harry began to get older, Talinda and James decided to talk about school. Since they knew that Harry was a wizard, Talinda offered to teach him muggle school stuff until he was old enough to go to Hogwarts. James actually really liked that idea, since that meant Harry would stay home where it would be safe.

Sirius and Remus were around often, since they believed that James and Talinda were the reason they got back together. If it wasn't for them, they probably never would've got back together. They were the ones to talk sense into Remus and make him realize what he was missing.

After the secret night the three shared, James and Talinda never mentioned it, and neither did Sirius. It was a weird thing to bring into a conversation, but it didn't feel weird at the time. It was a moment of weakness, but at the same time, it helped Sirius forget his troubles. He felt better, at least, for a little while.

Actually, the night was like magic, because the very next day, Remus had showed up. James and Talinda had talked sense into him, and he and Sirius got back together. Remus didn't find out about the secret threesome until months later, and he admitted to actually being a little jealous. He didn't tell Talinda and James that, but he did tell Sirius.

Long story short, everything was slowly working out for the group. James was thinking of proposing to Talinda, he just wanted to speak to Franky first. Franky was supposedly getting a chance to be released early, and Talinda was actually really excited about the idea.

If Franky was released early, Talinda would have her move in with them. She wanted her sister close after so many years of being away from her. Besides, she also wanted James and Harry to become close to Franky as well. Franky deserved to feel the love of a family, just as much as Talinda did. Talinda was a great girl, and she always thought of others before herself.

James truly loved Talinda for everything. She was so nice, caring, and sweet. She always made him smile, and she had some of the best recipes. She gave his son a mother, and that was one thing he truly couldn't believe. He would never trade her for the world. She was his world, and he made her world brighter...



A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry the epilogue turned out so short, but I hope you guys like it anyway.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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