Chapter Twenty Seven

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     Talinda had spent an hour on her hair, but the rest of her look didn't take as long to finish. Sirius had decided to dress Harry, so Talinda would be able to focus on herself and not on anyone else. Talinda and Harry had correlating outfits in a way, mostly due to Sirius's curiosity when it came to Talinda's outfit before he dressed Harry. Matter of fact, Sirius helped Talinda pick out most of her outfit. Once she was dressed and ready, Sirius brought Harry into her room to show her the outfit Sirius had dressed him in.

"Oh, wow," Talinda commented, as she laughed lightly.

"You like it?" Sirius asked, and Talinda nodded.

"You look handsome, Harry," Talinda said, causing Harry to blush.

"Thank you, Tally. You're pretty," Harry replied, making a smile appear on Talinda's face again.

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"You'll need to lose the sunglasses though, it'll be night time," Talinda said, causing Harry to take them off and throw them on her bed

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"You'll need to lose the sunglasses though, it'll be night time," Talinda said, causing Harry to take them off and throw them on her bed.

"Ready!" Harry exclaimed, grabbing Talinda's hand.

"You, Harry, and James have fun tonight. Moony and I have some things to do, so we won't be here when you get back, but I expect you to give me all the details tomorrow, and let James know I expect the same from him," Sirius stated, causing Talinda to nod with a laugh.

       Talinda allowed Harry to walk her to the living room where James was waiting. James had dressed in nice pants, a pair of boots like Harry, and a white button down shirt, rolled up to his elbows, with a couple of the buttons undone at the top--all situated by Remus under the instruction of Sirius--and his hair was still as wild as ever. Sirius had somewhat tried to tame Harry's, but Harry's hair was very much like his father's.

      When James seen Talinda, his jaw dropped and his heart skipped a beat. The girl was beautiful, even more beautiful than she normally was, though he believed she was always beautiful, even if she's only in sweat pants and a baggy shirt. His eyes then trailed down to Harry, which made him smile when he seen how Harry was dressed. He believed his son was adorable, but he had no doubt that Sirius was the one who dressed his son.

"You two look great," James said, wanting to compliment them both at the same time.

"Thank you," They replied together, causing the two to giggle.

"Ready to go?" James asked, making the two nod in confirmation.

        James picked up Harry and wrapped an arm around Talinda's waist, before apparating the three of them just outside of the muggle village. He then walked them to the restaurant he had chosen, holding their hands as he brought them inside. A waitress lead them to a table, before taking their drink orders. Harry wanted chocolate milk, James wanted soda, and Talinda wanted an iced coffee.

"This place is nice," Talinda commented, causing James to smile.

"I'm happy you like it. I hope the food is as good as the ambiance," James replied, making Talinda laugh lightly.

      Soon, the waitress came back to get their food orders. Harry wanted spaghetti, since he remembered how good it was when he and Talinda had made it together at her house, before it had burned. Talinda decided to get chicken parmigiana pasta; she was a real fan of the dish ever since Franky made it for her years ago. James had settled with steak, that had three sides that came with it, which he picked oven-roasted vegetables, a dinner roll, and cheesey scalloped potatoes.

"Good?" Talinda asked, looking down at Harry.

"Yes, but not like yours," He replied, causing Talinda to laugh.

"Thank you, Harry," Talinda murmured, as James smiled at the both of them.

     Once they were done eating dinner, James needed Talinda's help to figure up the muggle money. Talinda loved teaching James muggle things, even though she would've thought he would've learned about it from Lily. Talinda wondered if Lily wasn't able to teach him much before she passed. Talinda promised herself to teach James and Harry as much as she could about muggle things, and she'd teach Sirius if he wanted her to as well.

      Harry was beginning to fall asleep as they were leaving, so James picked the boy up and let him rest his head on James's shoulder. By the time Harry fell asleep, James had apparated the three of them home. James brought Harry to his room, and Talinda helped him get Harry into his night clothes. Once Harry was dressed and ready for bed, James laid Harry in his bed, before Talinda covered him up and turned out the light and they walked out of the room.

      As Talinda walked towards her bedroom to change, she could hear James lightly pacing after he walked down the stairs. Talinda smiled to herself and walked into her room. She quickly threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top for bed, and she took off her makeup and brushed her hair. Once she was ready for bed, she walked downstairs but stopped at the end of the stairs when she seen James was still pacing.

"Is something wrong, James?" Talinda asked, causing James to stop abruptly and look at her.

      James stared at Talinda, wondering to himself if he was willing to do what he had been thinking about doing all night. He didn't want to regret what he wanted to do, even if it caused inner turmoil for a moment or two. Closing his eyes, James remembered what Lily had told him in his dream. With a sigh, James nodded to himself and opened his eyes once again. Talinda was stood in front of him, a smile on her face, but concern in her eyes. Stepping forward, James placed his hands on her cheeks and pulled her towards him. In one slow, swift movement, James placed his lips on hers and kissed her. After the initial shock, Talinda kissed him back with as much meaning as his kiss had. When they pulled apart, their breathing was a bit uneven and their cheeks were a little red.

"I will never regret this," James murmured to himself, smiling at Talinda, as he pulled her into his arms.

      Talinda wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his chest. In this moment, they felt like the whole world slowed down around them, and they were the only people on earth...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, what do you think of the cute little date?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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