Chapter Eleven

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       The next morning, Remus showed James and Sirius the picture he had taken of Talinda and Harry the night before. James smiled, the smile growing a bit when he felt his stomach fill with butterflies. Sirius smiled at the picture as well, but when he looked over at James and seen his friend's genuine smile, he couldn't help but let a grin plaster itself on his face.

       While Remus, Sirius, and James took showers and dressed for a new day, Talinda was making breakfast for herself, Harry, and the three men who had yet to show up. Harry was already dressed for the day, and he was sitting at the table drinking chocolate milk. Talinda was surprised Harry had never tried chocolate milk before, but then she remembered it was more of a muggle drink, so she knew he really didn't have a chance of trying it if it wasn't for Talinda.

         By the time Talinda finished making the bacon and pancakes, she heard the three men come in through the fireplace. They weren't too loud, but she could hear them talking and laughing amongst each other. Talinda started placing plates around the table, as the three men entered the kitchen.

"Goodmorning boys," Talinda said, looking over towards them.

"Mornin', Tally," Sirius replied, as he sat down at the table.

     Remus sat down next the Sirius, as James sat near Harry. Talinda grabbed four glasses for herself and the three guys at her table.

"What do you want to drink? I've got coffee, tea, water, milk, apple juice, orange juice, and pumpkin juice," Talinda commented, turning towards the table to see what the guys wanted.

"Coffee," They answered in unison, causing her to laugh.

      She quickly grabbed her coffee pot, before pouring coffee in their glasses. She placed sugar and creamer in the middle of the table for them, before she grabbed the apple juice to pour herself a glass.

"More choccy milk, Tally?" Harry asked, as he placed his empty cup on the table.

"Of course," She replied, filling his cup with white milk, then added chocolate powder to the milk and stirred it up.

       Handing the cup back to Harry, he brought it to his lips and took a drink, a smile gracing his lips when the milk hit his tongue.

"Chocolate milk?" Sirius asked, causing Talinda to nod.

"Yeah, I drank it when I was little. It's like hot chocolate, but you don't have to heat it up. Chocolate milk is a bub's best friend, I promise," Talinda replied, as Harry simply nodded in agreement.

"I've never heard of it before," James commented, and Talinda smiled.

"It's a muggle drink. It's not expensive or anything, but don't give it to a kiddo when they're supposed to be going to bed, it'll keep them awake," Talinda answered, as she sprinkles chocolate chips on her pancakes.

      She passed the chocolate chips to Remus, as she sprayed some whipped cream on top of her pancakes as well. She wasn't able to eat bacon since it made her stomach upset, so she was more than happy for the guys and Harry to eat all the bacon she cooked.

       When Sirius handed James the chocolate chips, Harry stuck out his little, chubby hand to ask for some as well. James placed some in the boy's hand, before he placed some more on his plate.

"Give him some whipped cream," Talinda commented, as she handed the can to James.

      Luckily, James had seen how she used the can, so he sprayed some into the boy's mouth. Harry's eyes lit up when the whipped cream was sprayed into his mouth. The flavor was odd to Harry, but it was amazing. He enjoyed trying all the new things Talinda offered him, since his father never really had anything new for the child to try.

"So, Harry, did you and Tally have fun last night?" Sirius asked, and Harry nodded excitedly.

"We made cupcakes, and dinner, and read stories," Harry rambled, as he his smile reached his eyes.

"Sounds fun. Did you get messy?" He asked, and Harry nodded again.

"Yeah, so Tally made me take a bath, but she read me a bedtime story," Harry replied, as he smiled at Talinda.

"Did you eat any cupcakes last night?" Remus asked Harry, and the boy nodded.

"Yeah, and they were so yummy," He answered, before jumping out of his seat,"Want cupcakes?" He asked, walking over towards the cupcakes.

"Not right now, Harry--" James began, causing the small boy to frown.

"Please! Tally and I worked so hard! I sprinkled forever!" He whined, as he pouted his lips and showed his puppy dog eyes to his father and two uncles.

"I-I'll take one, Harry" Remus stuttered, and Sirius smiled.

"Me too," Sirius added, causing Harry to grin.

       Harry picked up two cupcakes, as carefully as he could, trying not to drop them on the floor. He was very proud of his and Talinda's work. He and his father never did something like this before, so he was very excited for everyone to try the food he made. He handed the cupcakes to his uncles, then stood their expectantly waiting for them to try the cupcakes and tell him what they thought of his hard work.

"Harry! You make amazing cupcakes!" Sirius exclaimed, after taking a bite of the colorful cupcake.

"Yeah, they're really tasty, Harry," Remus added, and Harry grinned happily.

"Tally helped me," Harry said, deciding not to take all the credit for the work that was done for the cupcakes.

"Well, she's an excellent baker," Sirius replied, and Remus nodded in agreement.

       Harry then turned towards James with a disappointed look on his face. His uncles tried his and Talinda's cupcakes, but his father never asked for one. Believing that his father didn't want to try his cupcakes, Harry's eyes began to tear up. James' eyes went wide, as he watched his son let out a cry, before running towards Talinda. Talinda picked up the young boy and held him close, as he cried into her hair, holding on to her tightly.

"Don't cry. Daddy ate too much breakfast. He'll try the cupcakes later. I promise. I'll send cupcakes home with you as well if you want," Talinda cooed, as she rubbed his back soothingly.

      James felt terrible, but he didn't know how to fix the situation. He could tell Harry he wanted a cupcake, but then Harry could refuse to give him the cupcake because he was upset. He could decide to agree with Talinda and eat one later, but he was afraid it would make Harry even more upset. At times like this, he wished Lily was around to figure out what he should do, but sadly she wasn't. At least Talinda was around to help, but it still made James' stomach fill with butterflies the more he thought of the woman. He doubted himself, but he didn't doubt how much she seemed to care about his son.

"I promise Daddy will love your cupcakes. Actually, you might not want to give him one. If you do, he'll eat them all 'cause they're so good. You won't get anymore cause Daddy will have them, don't you want another one before your Daddy eats them all because you're such an amazing cook?" Talinda joked, and Harry giggled wiping his tears.

"Yeah, I need a cupcake," He replied, getting up to get a cupcake.

      Talinda smiled, as Harry peeled the paper off the cupcake and took a bite.

"You eat one later. I eat one now," Harry told James, causing everyone to laugh.

     James sighed in relief, as be watched Harry eat a cupcake. Talinda really saved his ass, but he didn't know how many more times she would be willing to do so. Maybe having her around wouldn't be too bad...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. It's a bit longer than normal, but I didn't really have a stopping point until I had an extra 300 words.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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