Chapter Thirteen

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     Talinda had an obvious pep in her step when she and Remus apparated outside of her house. Remus held a small smile on his face, which would definitely be obvious to his friends when he entered the house. Before she could open the door herself, Sirius ripped the door open and greeted Talinda. James and Harry were stood behind him, trying to catch a glimpse of the girl outside the door.

"So? How'd it go? Did you get the job?" Sirius asked, a grin evident on his face.

"I'm not going to answer that until you let me in my house, Black," She retorted, causing the man to roll his eyes.

     He moved out of the way of the door, allowing Talinda and Remus to enter the house. Once both were inside and the door was closed, Sirius began to bombard Talinda with questions.

"Calm down," Remus commented, chuckling softly at the man who was practically bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Yes, I got the job. I start Monday next week," Talinda announced, causing Sirius to cheer.

       James smiled towards her, as Harry squealed and wrapped his arms around Talinda's leg. He didn't know exactly why everyone was so happy, but he knew Talinda was somewhat the reason. He was trying to match the energy in the room, even if it was a little confusing.

"I'm making chicken parmigiana for dinner, as well as cheese and bacon rolls for Harry. For dessert, I'll probably make lamingtons," Talinda said, as she headed towards the kitchen.

"What's lamingtons?" James asked, as they followed Talinda to the kitchen.

"It's sponge cake cut into pieces, covered in chocolate, and topped with desiccated coconut," Talinda answered, as she began to get everything she needed together.

       She quickly began to make their dinner. While her sponge cake was baking, she seasoned her chicken and made sure her sauce was just right. As soon as the sponge cake was ready, she pulled it out and placed the chicken parmigiana in the oven, as well as the cheese and bacon rolls. As the food was cooking, she cut up the sponge cake into perfect squares. She melted her chocolate and rolled each cube in the chocolate, then rolled the chocolate covered cube in desiccated coconut.

         Soon everything was done, so she was able to fix plates. She then called everyone into the kitchen to eat. She grabbed glasses and filled them water, except Harry's, she filled his cup with apple juice.

"You're an amazing cook, Tally," Sirius commented, and the others nodded in agreement.

"Thank you. I'm glad you guys like my food," She replied, smiling at all of them.

"The lamingtons are done as well, right?" James asked, and Talinda nodded.

"Yep, I finished them right before dinner was finished," Talinda answered, pointing towards the pastries near the table.

        As soon as they were done eating, Harry decided it was time for dessert. Talinda laid the dish of pastries in the middle of the table, allowing the guys to grab as many as they wanted.

"We should do dinners often," Sirius commented, causing James to look over at him.

      James honestly really liked Talinda's cooking, but he didn't know if he was willing to have weekly dinners with the woman. The more he was around the woman, the more he wondered if Lily would despise him for it or not. He missed Lily, but the more he was around Talinda, Lily didn't seem to enter his mind as much.

"So, James, when are you going to start working?" Sirius asked, looking over at his brother.

"I-um-I'm not sure," He stuttered, causing Sirius to scowl.

"After everything we talked about last night, I think starting your job as an auror wouldn't be a bad idea," Sirius commented, and James sighed.

"Will the ministry even accept me as an auror, I mean, I'm a Potter. That name might seem like bad luck to them," James replied, causing the other man to shrug.

"Sometimes you've got to take risks, James. This is one of them, even if it doesn't sound very fun," Sirius answered, as Remus and Talinda nodded in agreement.

"Fine. First thing tomorrow, I will go to the Ministry to see if they'll accept me as an auror," James said, and the other adults smiled.

"You'll have to go through the rest of your auror training though," Remus commented, causing James to grown.

"More training," James whined, as Talinda and Harry giggled.

"We'll do more of these dinners, Tally. How about every Friday?" Sirius suggested, and Talinda shrugged.

"Every Friday is fine with me. We can do it any day you guys want. Honestly, I love cooking for other people other than myself. My place will always be open for you guys, even if it's only for dinner," Talinda said, and the guys smiled.

     Talinda really was a lovely girl. She had such a kind soul, even when the world wasn't very kind to her. James could see how nice the girl was, but he still didn't let his guard down much. Sirius could tell the girl wore her heart on her sleeve, even if she didn't want to show anyone. She was rather nice to be around, even for Harry.

       Harry loved listening to her tell stories and teach him how to cook. He hoped he'd be able to see her often, even if it was at random times of the day. Talinda adored Harry, and she cared deeply for the trio of guys that had worked their way into her heart. She had never been one to tell people about her family, but she felt comfortable with telling the trio about her sister. They were the first people she really trusted after Franky was locked up.

        With the idea that Talinda would be hosting a dinner every Friday, she couldn't help the butterflies that filled her stomach. She didn't want to mess up their new schedule, but she also knew that she had to visit Franky sometimes, meaning she'd be home late on the occasional Friday. As long as she didn't miss dinner, she'd never disappoint Harry, James, Sirius, or Remus...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I had to do a little research on Aussie dishes, so I hope I didn't get any wrong. If you're from Aussie and have some suggestions, please feel free to let me know.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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