Chapter Twenty Six

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     As if it was a mission, Sirius was working extra hard on figuring out a way to get James and Talinda together. Sirius could tell that the two liked one another, but it irritated him that they wouldn't come out and say they had some type of feelings for each other. He wanted to just stick them in a room together and force them to stay in the room until they finally admitted their feelings. If he could, Sirius would get Harry in on the work, but he wanted to wait until his efforts his efforts didn't work, then he'd have to have Harry help with the effort.

"Ya know, maybe you should take Tally out to dinner. She's been making dinner for all of us for weeks. I bet she'd really enjoy going out to dinner for once," Sirius commented, causing James to frown.

"Do you think she's annoyed about making our food?" James asked, his eyebrows furrowing with concern.

"No, not that--I just, I believe she'd love to have dinner brought to her for once. I don't think she's use to anyone being kind to her, other than her sister, so I have a feeling she'd really appreciate your effort, and you'd probably make her feel very special," Sirius said, making James bite his lip.

"What about Harry? You are helping Moony with the full moon later, and--" James rambled, but Sirius cut him off.

"Bring him with you, Prongs. Tally loves him, and she wouldn't be mad if you brought him. Besides, it could be like a family outing," Sirius joked slightly, and chuckled to himself, though he didn't notice the slight twitch of James's lip when he said that.

       Remus was resting in the guest room, and Talinda was taking care of Harry. Whenever Harry was preoccupied or sleeping, Talinda would go and check on Remus. More than once, she'd bring him food and drinks. Most of the time the food and drinks consisted of chocolate, and the only reason Talinda didn't fuss over his continuous consumption of chocolate, was because she knew he wasn't feeling well.

"Fine, I'll take her to dinner, but--" James began, but Sirius quickly cut him off.

"No! No 'buts,' Prongs. You, Tally, and Harry are going to enjoy yourselves. You two already sleep in the same bed, maybe it's time to take your relationship to the next level. I know it seems like a bad idea, but I can promise you this will be a good idea. You two were made for each other. Tally was made for you and Harry to finally be happy and be a family again," Sirius said, giving his best friend an encouraging smile.

      Instead of answering, James simply gave Sirius a stiff nod. James was still scared of another relationship. He enjoyed Talinda's company, but he was still scared. He had finally gotten Lily and had a family with her, only for her to be taken away from him prematurely. He was worried the exact same thing would happen with him and Talinda, except now Harry was older, so if she gone, Harry would be more effected than he ever was with Lily. When Lily died, Harry was too young to really remember her and form much of a bond, but Harry had quite a bond with Talinda already, and the bond was only growing. Even though James felt sad that Harry had more of a bond with Talinda than he ever had with Lily, James was still glad that Harry had a woman in his life that would love him as much as Lily dis before she passed.

"Tally, can I talk to you for a moment?" James asked, sticking his head into Harry's nursery where Talinda and Harry were sitting on the floor playing with some toys.

"Sure," Talinda replied, placing the toys on the ground as she stood up.

        James and Talinda stood outside of the nursery, closing the door slightly so Harry wouldn't unintentionally or intentionally eavesdrop on their conversation. The conversation was going to be very brief, but James was still too nervous to mention anything in front of Harry.

"So, I've been thinking," James began, running his hand up and down his forearm nervously,"you've been so nice to all of us; making us dinner and taking care of Harry, and me, too, I guess. So, I was wondering, if maybe, you'd like to go out to dinner with me?" James asked, his ears tinting pink slightly.

"I'd love to, but what about Harry?" Talinda asked, knowing Remus and Sirius weren't going to be home to watch Harry.

"We could take him with us. He'd love to get out and enjoy the real world a bit, since you both have been cooped up inside for a while," James replied, making Talinda smile.

"I'd love to go out to dinner with you and Harry, James. Let me know where and what time, so I know when to get ready and what to wear," She said, and he nodded quickly.

"We'll be leaving at six. I was thinking we could go to a muggle restaurant, and it'll be a bit fancy. Sirius will have to help me find muggle-like clothes, but I think you and Harry would like to eat at a muggle restaurant tonight," He commented, a nervous chuckle leaving his lips.

"That sounds perfect, James. I'll get Harry and myself ready soon," Talinda replied, before placing a kiss on James's cheek.

       Talinda walked back into Harry's nursery, as James walked away with a boyish grin on his face. Sirius chuckled when he seen the boy's dopey grin, though he couldn't help but grin as well. He had finally accomplished a part of his plan, but he still had much more work to do. If his plan worked, James and Talinda would be together by Christmas, which was only a couple of months away. Sirius was now more of a man on a mission than he ever was before. James and Talinda were going to be together one way or another...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I don't remember if I specified what time of year it was, but I've decided it's around September or so. I have a plan for when it comes to Lily's death date, but it's not going to be all tears and heartache, I promise.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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