Chapter Thirty Two ***

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WARNING: This chapter will contain a little bit of heavy smut near the end. This is your only warning. DO NOT REPORT MY STORY!

Talinda and James were feeling worse and worse for Sirius. The poor guy was practically a shell of his former self, and they hated seeing him that way. He didn't deserve the pain he was going through. They wished they could take it all away for him, and make him feel better and more like himself.

After days of trying to figure out what they could do to help Sirius, they simply decided they could do something that would've cheered him up in Hogwarts. Back in Hogwarts, things were always so much simpler, but back then, James and Talinda weren't together. They really didn't know each other then, but Talinda had a feeling that they would've met one way or another, even if it was on worse circumstances than they had met before.

"Do you think he'd agree to it?" Talinda asked,"I mean, it sounds too good to be true. If you were in his shoes, and your best friend asked you to do something like this with him and his girlfriend, would you agree?"

"Honestly?" He questioned,"No, I wouldn't, but at the same time, it'd Sirius we're talking about. He's always been one to do crazy things without a second thought," James commented, making Talinda roll her eyes playfully.

"So, how do we bring it up to him?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"After we put Harry to bed, we'll just bring him with us, and that's that," He replied, and she simply shrugged and agreed with him.

For the entire day, Talinda and James pretended like everything was just like normal. Talinda made breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The guys were to work and came back. Talinda taught Harry a little bit of muggle school stuff, but she didn't teach him too much at one time. She didn't want to overwhelm him with information like school usually tried to do to the children.

After dinner, Talinda gave Harry a nice, warm bath. Harry loved taking baths, since he was able to play with the bubbles and play pretend. Harry was always a very imaginative person, and everyone was honestly happy that he was still so playful and imaginative after everything that he had been through as a young kid.

Anyhow, after his bath, he brushed his teeth and laid down in his bed. Talinda sat with him and read a bedtime story to him. He chose The Cat in the Hat, one of his favorites for Talinda to read to him. He loved when she would make the wild noises and different character accents and voices.

After the story, Harry slowly fell asleep, and Talinda watched him with a small smile on her face. Once she was sure that he was asleep, she turned off the lamp by his bedside, leaving only his nightlight, and closed his bedroom door most of the way. They never closed it fully, since they knew some nights he could wake up scared and the bedroom door being completely closed would cause more problems than it would help.

As soon as Talinda came out of Harry's room, James looked up at her with a raised eyebrow. It was his way of making sure she was still okay with their arrangement. She gave him a nod, and he stood to his feet. Talinda walked over to Sirius and grasped his hand, before she pulled him towards her and James' bedroom. Once they were in the room, James closed the door, and Talinda pushed Sirius to the bed.

"W-what's going on?" He asked, looking between his friends.

"Tonight we're going to make you forget all of your troubles," Talinda replied, and Sirius gulped.

James mostly watched for a while, as Talinda got Sirius to loosen up. The two shared quite a few kisses, and she grinded on him for a moment, but eventually he was loosened up. Once he was more into everything, Talinda pushed him to lay back on the mattress.

"James told me you always wanted to have a threesome," Talinda commented,"and we figured, what better way to make you feel better, than to give you what you always wanted?"

"Is this a joke?" Sirius asked, looking between his friends.

"Not at all," James replied,"So, just lay back and let us work."

James really didn't touch Sirius at all, since James wasn't into boys, but he didn't mind sharing, at least for the night. James encouraged Sirius to have fun with them, and Sirius agreed. Talinda aligned herself with Sirius' cock, and rode him. James sat behind her, her back pressed to his bare chest, as he reached around her and twirled her clit with his index finger.

Sirius was the first to come, since he hadn't been with a girl in a long time. Once Sirius had came, Talinda pulled herself up off of him, and laid herself on the bed next to him. Sirius was so clouded by lust, that his mind wouldn't let him think about his pain. Sirius trailed kisses down Talinda's body until his lips met her pussy. He looked up at her for permission, and once he was given permission, he dived right in.

Talinda let out a moan at the feeling of Sirius' tongue on her clit, as his fingers pumped in and out of her. While Sirius ate her out like a professional, Talinda ushered James over. She pulled herself into a sitting position, before she had James stand on his knees over her.

Talinda took James cock into her mouth, hollowing out her cheeks as she bobbed her head back and forth. She had used her trick to disable her gag reflex, so she was able to deep throat his cock with no problems. When she felt his cock twitch in her mouth, she started working harder on him. Sirius worked harder on her as well, and in moments she came and he could taste her on his tongue. James soon followed, and the three laid on the bed together panting for breath. It was a night they'd never forget, but a night they could never talk about to anyone...

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