Chapter Five

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      After the ice cream, James, Sirius, and Harry went back to their home, as did Talinda. Talinda gave Sirius the address to her place, that way they could floo to her and all leave together when they were hungry. Talinda wasn't sure when they'd decide to show up to head to dinner, so as soon as she arrived home, she went and took a much needed shower. She was surprised she didn't smell like sweat, but she figured the rain might've washed the smell away. When Talinda was finishing getting ready, she heard her phone begin to ring. She quickly made her way to the phone, knowing the only person who really called her was Franky.

"Hello?" Talinda answered, causing her sister to laugh lightly.

"Hey, Tally. Sound a little breathless there. Whatcha doing, sis?" Franky asked, causing the younger sister to roll her eyes.

"I just finished taking a shower and getting dressed. I don't understand how I never remember how hard it is to put pants on after a shower. I practically jumped around for five minutes trying to put them on," Talinda replied, and Franky chuckled.

"Well, maybe if you learned to dry off..." Franky trailed off, a playful tone in her voice.

"Oh, fuck off, Franky," Talinda retorted, laughing slightly,"So what's on with you? Find any friends? Foes?" She asked, causing the big sister to groan.

"You have no idea, but in the little bit of time I've been here, I've become Top Dog, meaning I run shit around here. Nothing goes on without coming through me first, and this broot Boomer, she's my right hand," Franky stated, laughing as she told her sister what's been going on in prison.

"Not getting into trouble are we, Franky?" Talinda asked playfully, but all Franky did was scoff.

"You know me, Tally. I'm always up for a little fun," Franky commented, a smile on her face,"What about you? You coming to see me?" She asked, not wanting her sister to hear the hopefulness in her voice.

"Yeah, I told you I would, Franky. I never break my promises to you, you know that," Talinda replied, and Franky grinned.

     As Talinda and Franky talked for a while longer, Talinda heard her fireplace roar. A smile came to her lips, as she heard the pounding of feet in her living room.

"Tally!" Harry exclaimed, causing the girl to laugh.

"Hey, Franks, I got to go," Talinda said, as her sister pouted.

"Why? Does it have to do with the kid I just heard? Who's kid is that? Don't tell me you're shaking up with a married man, Tally, how scandalous of you," Franky commented, causing Talinda to roll her eyes.

"No, Franky. I'm not. I'll talk to you soon, and see you in a few days. I love you," Talinda said, and Franky smiled.

"Alright, love you, too, Tally," Franky replied, before Talinda ended the call.

"What's that?" Harry asked, grabbing the phone.

"It's a phone. Muggles use them to talk to people that aren't around," Talinda replied, as he, James, and Sirius looked bewildered at the phone.

     A phone was one thing Lily had never showed them, even though she was a muggle-born.

"Who was you talking to?" Harry asked, as he looked up at Talinda.

"My sister Franky," Talinda answered, as she slipped on her shoes.

"Ready?" Sirius asked, and Talinda nodded.

"Yeah, let's go. Don't want to be walking in the dark," Talinda replied, as she lead the three boys out of her home.

      Once they were outside, and Talinda was sure it wasn't raining, she began to lead them to her favorite muggle restaurant. As soon as they arrived, a waitress brought them to a table and gave them menus. Talinda ordered their drinks, making sure to get everyone a soda, seeing as sodas were more of a muggle drink, and she knew they would really like them.

"What should we get? We don't really know much about muggle food," James commented, and Talinda smiled.

"Would you like me to surprise you guys with your orders?" Talinda asked, and they nodded.

      When the waitress came back with their drinks, Talinda began to order food. She ordered herself pasta, she ordered Sirius steak, she ordered James food similar to hers, but with meat and hers had shrimp, and she ordered Harry chicken strips and chips. Once she ordered and the waitress was gone, after a failed attempt to flirt with both James and Sirius, Talinda beckoned them to try their drinks.

"What is this?" Sirius asked, as he studied his drink.

"I ordered soda for all of us. You three have coke, well, so do I, but mine has vanilla in it," She replied, and Harry's eyes widened.

"I try it!" He exclaimed, causing her to laugh.

"Alright, you try," She commented, as she placed a straw into her cup and held it for Harry to try her drink.

"Oooh, I want like yours," He said, and she nodded.

"When the lady comes back, I'll tell her to fix yours," She replied, and he nodded excitedly.

       The lady came back with Harry's food first, and Talinda asked her nicely to fix Harry's drink like hers. The woman rolled her eyes, but went and fixed the drink nonetheless. The lady placed the drink down, almost spilling it on Talinda and Harry.

"Excuse me, but if you spill that drink on him, I will not be very polite like I'm trying to be right now, so you either lose your attitude or I'm going to take it down a couple pegs for you, understand?" Talinda commented, a sarcastic smile on her face.

"I-I'm sorry," The woman stuttered, before quickly walking away.

      Sirius simply chuckled, as James smiled slightly. He couldn't lie, he liked the way Talinda had gotten protective over Harry, but it made his heart skip a beat, knowing he was even remotely admiring another woman other than Lily. Sirius hoped the little scene wouldn't change James' mind about Talinda being around, but seeing the somewhat smile on James face made him realize that James was opening up to the girl...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. The next chapter will have quite a bit of dialogue, but it'll be during the dinner.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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