Chapter Thirty Four

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Since Remus and Sirius were back together, they both were able to celebrate Christmas with James, Talinda, and Harry. Christmas was one of Talinda's favorite holidays, especially now that she had Harry. She could spend countless amounts of money on the boy, and she wouldn't feel bad about it at all.

Franky had sent money through her girlfriend to Talinda for Christmas. She made sure to send enough, where Talinda could buy at least one gift for everyone, and still have money left over to buy whatever she wanted. Talinda knew Franky wished she wasn't in Wentworth anymore, so she could spend the holidays with everyone.

Talinda made sure to take plenty of pictures for Franky. She took pictures of the Christmas tree, all the presents, the over-flowing stockings, and the other decorations. She also took pictures of everyone opening their gifts, and a couple or just Harry in his new Christmas pajamas. She had gotten Sirius to take a picture of her, Harry, and James together for Franky, since that was something the woman definitely wanted.

Talinda planned to bring the pictures to Franky on the next visitation day that she was going to. She had even wrapped the pictures in a cute little Christmas bow. She had also made a few cookies for Franky, Boomer, and Mr. Jackson. There were quite a few people Talinda knew at Wentworth, but she wasn't always good at remembering names. For instance, there was a woman named Vera, but she couldn't remember her name, especially her last name much at all. She seemed to only remember the nickname everyone gave the woman; Vinegar Tits.

"You went all out on food, didn't you?" Sirius commented, as he sat down at the table to eat Christmas dinner.

"I figured you guys deserved to have a big variety of food to choose from. I didn't want anyone disappointed on Christmas," Talinda replied, and Sirius chuckled.

After dinner, Talinda cleaned up the kitchen, while the guys cleaned up everywhere else. The guys stayed up late with Harry that night, watching muggle Christmas movies that Talinda had collected for them. Talinda had gone to bed around eleven, but the guys were still awake by the time she went to bed.

The next morning, the guys helped Talinda clean up all of the Christmas decorations. She had special boxes and places where she wanted everything placed when it was put away. Once everything was put away, they were able to set the home back up to how it normally looked without Christmas decorations all over.

A couple of days later, Talinda traveled to visit Franky in Wentworth. James had decided to go with her, since he and Franky had become friends. He was surprised he had become friends with Franky, since she was a muggle. James didn't have anything against muggles, it was just that Lily's sister was a muggle, and she thought James was a freak and hated him and Lily because they were magic. Franky wasn't like that though, and for that he was grateful.

"These pictures are amazing, Tally, thank you," Franky said, as she looked through the pictures Talinda had given her.

"I hope Padfoot didn't screw up the family portrait," James joked, and Franky laughed.

"No, he captured you lot perfectly," She replied, giving the boy a smirk.

"Thanks for the cookies, Tally. You're the best baker I've ever met," Boomer commented, as she walked up to the table.

"Thank you, Boomer. I'm glad you liked them," Talinda replied, causing the woman to smile.

Boomer sat with them and talked for awhile, as well as gushed over the pictures Franky showed her, before visiting hours ended. Talinda and James promised to visit again, and next time they'd bring Harry. Boomer couldn't wait to meet Harry, she had heard so much about him from Franky, Talinda, and James. It was like she already knew the boy.

James and Talinda went back home after visiting Franky, and they actually had a good time. Talinda had been worried that they'd be stressed out, since the holiday season always caused problems in Wentworth and other correctional facilities when people couldn't see their families. Franky was just lucky she got to see some of her family only a few days after Christmas.

The next day was New Years Eve, and Talinda went with Sirius to get snacks and drinks for the celebration. Much like the muggles, the wizarding world would stay up until midnight to celebrate a new year. They'd eat, drink, and have fun until the clock struck midnight. Sirius and Remus were going to stay with Talinda and James for New Years, since Sirius knew he was going to be was too drunk to apparate anywhere, and he didn't want to put Remus in a position like that.

That night, Harry stayed up until eleven, but he couldn't keep his little eyes open any longer. The poor boy was falling asleep sitting up, so the parents decided to put the little boy to bed. They did praise him for staying up so late, and he gave them a sleepy smile. He loved being told how well he did something, especially from his parents.

Barely a few minutes after midnight, James and Talinda went to bed. Talinda was exhausted, and James was a bit drunk. He didn't get wasted like Sirius, but he was close. Remus and Talinda were the only remotely sober ones of the group of four. Talinda had to help James to bed, and Remus had to practically carry Sirius up to the room they shared.

It felt just like old times, back before Remus had made the mistake of breaking up with Sirius. He wished he never broke up with Sirius, but he couldn't go back and change it. He just hoped that he could make up for it, and that meant he'd do anything to make Sirius happy, even if that meant doing something as simple as carrying him to bed after he got wasted...

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