Chapter Six

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     The waitress soon brought the rest of the food to the table, apologizing again to Talinda for almost spilling the drink on her and Harry. Talinda accepted the apology with a smile, though she watched the woman cautiously the rest of the time to make sure she wasn't going to try anything else bitchy.

"Why doesn't your sister live here with you?" Sirius asked, sparking up a conversation once they had tried their food and exclaimed how amazing it was.

     Harry especially loved his "chickies," which is what he called his chicken strips. Talinda hoped James and Sirius would be able to make them for him, if she went and bought some for them next time she went shopping at a muggle market.

"She's a muggle, and she had her whole life planned out in Australia. She was a few years older than me actually, but that never stopped us from being close. She's an excellent cook, and she was on an Australian cooking show for a while," Talinda said, smiling at the thought of her sister.

"Is that why she doesn't visit you and you have to visit her?" James asked, and Talinda plastered on a fake smile.

"Not quite. She's rather booked right now," Talinda replied, causing the boys to look at her with confused faces.

"When's the next time you're going to meet her?" Sirius asked, and Talinda looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Why so curious?" She asked, and he simply chuckled.

"Just wondering when I can meet her, ya know, she may be as hot as you," Sirius commented, as James blushed in embarrassment and Talinda simply laughed.

"Too bad, Black, my sister doesn't go for guys, she's more into girls, if you catch my drift," Talinda replied, as Sirius scowled playfully.

"And yourself?" He asked, a smirk back on his face.

"I'm not like her in that aspect, but sorry, you are not my type," She said, and his smirk grew.

"Well, what is your type?" He asked, and James wished he could hide under the table now.

"I'm more into guys with kind eyes and a loyal heart," She answered, and he discreetly looked over at James,"Besides, my sister wants me to pop out some babies by the time she gets out--I-I mean, um, by the time she comes to visit?" Talinda finished, a nervous smile on her face.

"What do you mean, by the time she gets out?" James asked, causing Talinda to nervously laugh.

"Oh, you caught that," Talinda commented, biting her lip,"Well, ya see, my sister kind of got herself in a bit of trouble. Nothing bad. She has anger issues and she doesn't always think before she does something. It's something we learned when we were younger," She replied, and James looked away.

        He really wasn't sure how to feel about Talinda being around now. He didn't need someone violent or thoughtless around his son. Talinda seemed nice enough, but he couldn't be too sure.

"I know what you're both thinking, but I'm not like my sister. Yes, I do get angry, but I have a longer fuse than my sister. Our mother and father are the reason she and I are the way we are, but she had to endure it longer because she didn't want to leave me behind. As soon as she graduated, she took me with her and finished raising me, even though it infuriated our mother. She's held a grudge against our parents longer than I ever have, so she's a bit rough around the edges. She, um, she got mad at the head chef she worked with, his name was Mike Penisi, and she threw hot oil in his face. She ended up getting seven years in prison, but I know she'll change. She's a good girl, she's just had a hard time," Talinda rambled, as Sirius smiled at the girl.

       Talinda's story reminded him of himself and a bit of Regulus. The roles were reversed a bit of course, but nonetheless, he could tell they were alike.

"When are you going to see her?" Sirius asked, causing Talinda to smile sadly.

"Friday. I'm leaving Thursday and staying at a muggle hotel for the night," She replied, and he nodded.

"Is that safe?" James asked, though his voice wasn't as chill as it had been before.

"About as safe as it was any other time. Besides, I know how to take care of myself, and I'll have my wand on me at all times, except when I go in for visitation," She answered, and all James did was nod slightly.

       James couldn't lie and say he hated the girl. He could tell just how much she adored her sister, but he still wasn't too sure about her. Her story reminded him of Sirius, but he didn't want to pity her and something bad happen because he allowed her into his and Harry's life. He wasn't going to be too judgmental yet though, since he didn't know her too well.

"James, Sirius, I know what you two are thinking. I understand if you don't want me around anymore because of what you heard about me and Franky. Just finish your dinner, and once you're done I can be gone and out of your hair for good," She said, but this time Harry understood what she meant by 'gone.'

"No! Don't leave me, Tally!" Harry exclaimed, as he stood in his seat and wrapped his arms around the girl's neck to hug her.

"Well, Harry, it's not up to me, bub," Talinda replied, causing Harry to cry.

"Please. No leave," He whimpered, and she felt her heart break slightly.

"Talinda, I can't judge you based off of your sister's actions. I know that not everyone is exactly alike, even when they're family. I learned that with Sirius and his family, so I'm not going to judge you, unless of course, you're a Slytherin," James replied, joking slightly to try and defuse the tension.

"No, I'm not a Slytherin. I'm a Gryffindor. I was almost chosen for Ravenclaw, but apparently I wasn't that smart," She replied, and Sirius chuckled.

     Sirius couldn't help but think that maybe James truly was finally opening up after Lily's death...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I've got a really good idea in my head for the next few chapters, but I'm not too sure yet. I'll post them soon though.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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