Chapter Twenty Three

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     James could barely sleep, since he had his mind racing fast than a Firebolt. He kept thinking about Lily, and the more he thought about Lily, the more he thought about Talinda. Talinda was one of the nicest witches James had ever met after Lily, but it was hard for him to accept it. When James finally fell asleep, he began to dream about Lily.


"James, why would you do this to me?" Lily asked, causing James to frown.

"Lily, I'm sorry. I told Sirius that it was a bad idea. I love you, and I never wanted to hurt you. I never meant to touch her, you know I wouldn't on purpose. I love you, Lily. I'm sorry. I--" James rambled, but Lily cut him off.

"James, I'm not mad that you like this other woman," Lily said, causing James to look at her confused.

"You're not?" He asked, making her giggle.

"No, I'm not. James, I'm gone, and I don't want you to think you can't move on. I want someone who will be there to love you and our Harry the way I do. I know Harry deserves someone just as much as you do. James, I am disappointed in you though. You hurt her feelings, you know you did. She's a nice girl, and she deserves happiness. I love you, and I know you're a good man. I know you would never hurt her or anyone else on purpose, but you still hurt her," Lily stated, causing James to grab Lily's hand.

"I'm sorry, Lily. I'm so sorry--"

*End of Dream*

"I'm sorry, Lily. I'm so sorry," Talinda heard from her room, as James tossed, turned, and cried out in his sleep.

   Talinda stood from her bed and walked out of the room. She slowly walked into the living room, and she heard James's voice clearer. A moment later, she heard James start to sob and he shouted out his dead wife's name. Talinda quickly ran to check on Harry, before running to James's room to check on him.

"James. James!" She called out, as she shook the sobbing boy's shoulder.

      James jumped awake, and as soon as he was awake, he started sobbing again. Talinda's eyes softened, as she wrapped her arms around James the best she could since he was practically laying down and she was standing next to his bed.

"Are you alright? Do you want to talk about it?" Talinda asked, causing the guy to shake his head.

"No, I'd rather not," He mumbled, and she nodded.

"That's fine, but if you do, you can always talk to me," She commented, before letting him go,"Are you going to be alright?" She asked, and he took a deep breath.

"I think so," He murmured, causing her to send him a soft smile.

"Well, you know where I am if you want to talk or if you just want to have company. I can make coffee or something if you want," She said, and he nodded back.

       Talinda walked out of the room and back to hers, though she didn't know if she'd be able to fall back to sleep after hearing how desperately James cried out in his sleep. Laying down, she allowed herself to snuggle back into her pillows and fall asleep. Her blankets were warm still, since she hadn't been out of bed too long.

      James awoke once again in a panic. This time his dream was of Lily and Talinda yelling at him, telling him that he let them die. This dream had scared him more than the first dream, so he shakily stood from his bed and walked all the way to Talinda's room. Opening the door, he quietly sighed in relief when he seen her sleeping and not dead like in his dream. He quickly left the room to check on Harry, before he walked back to hers and stayed in the doorway for a moment watching her sleep.

"James?" She called sleepily, picking up her head from her pillow.

"I'm sorry. Go back to sleep," He replied, turning around quickly to walk away.

"James, what's wrong?" She asked, causing him to sigh.

"I had another nightmare. I-I needed to make sure you were really asleep and not..." He trailed off, and she sighed as well.

      She knew he suffered PTSD from the loss of Lily, so she didn't blame him for being scared by a dream. Anyone could be scared by a dream, so someone with PTSD had an easier chance of being scared by a dream.

"Come on over here, James. You can lay down. You might not fall asleep, but you'll be able to calm down. I'll stay up and you can talk to me about whatever you want," Talinda said, as she moved her blanket to welcome him into the bed.

     Reluctantly, James climbed into the bed and pulled the cover over himself. He laid back on the pillows on his side of the bed, allowing himself to get comfortable.

"What happened in your dream, James?" Talinda asked, turning over in the bed to look at him.

"I dreamt that you were gone. You and Lily were yelling at me; saying it was all my fault. I-I was so scared that it was true, so I had to check on you and Harry to make sure it was a dream," He said, causing her to frown.

"Harry and I are alive, James. You saved Harry, and you saved me when I was attacked. I don't plan on leaving anytime soon, so don't worry. Harry and I are safe with you, and you're safe with us," Talinda said, as she grasped James's one hand with hers and squeezed it.

    At the feeling of her hand in his, James was able to almost fully relax. He let out a tired sigh, and allowed his eyes to close slowly. Talinda waited until his breathing was slow and even, before she allowed herself to try and fall back to sleep. She wasn't sure how well she'd sleep since she was so worried about James, but she had a feeling the dreams would be a common occurrence...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I've got some ideas in mind, so be excited for the new chapters coming soon.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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