Chapter Nine

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     Talinda wasn't expecting Sirius to come back soon, if at all that night. She still made sure her house was clean though, since she didn't want Harry to get hurt because her house was a mess. She was quite OCD, so there really wasn't much of a mess, but she always felt like a few things laying around was a huge mess. There wasn't much food to choose from when making dinner and such, so she went to the store and bought groceries.

      Talinda decided that she would make spaghetti for dinner, something she and Franky had made together quite often. When she was younger, Franky would bring her in the kitchen to cook. Every summer and holiday, Talinda looked forward to hanging out with Franky and learning new recipes. Franky was the one who taught Talinda how to cook, so she was pretty good at it.

     Talinda wondered if she should let Harry help her make dinner, like she would do with Franky quite often. She didn't want to force him into it, but she knew he'd have fun. The idea was great, but she would have to ask James before she could even think of letting Harry help her cook. She didn't want James to get mad at her for having Harry help her in the kitchen, even if Harry wasn't much help.

"Tally!" She heard Harry exclaim, as soon as she had heard him, Sirius, James, and Remus floo into my place.

"In here!" She exclaimed, as she finished putting groceries on the kitchen table.

"You went shopping," Sirius commented, as they entered the kitchen.

"Well, I didn't have much food, and I figured Harry would be a good reason for me to spend some money on food," She replied, causing Sirius to purse his lips.

"Harry's the only reason you bought food?" He asked, sitting down at the kitchen table.

"Well, I have to save money until I get a job, Sirius. I can't just spend my money like crazy, otherwise I won't have any and I'll be homeless," She retorted, causing him to roll his eyes.

"I heard Zonko's was hiring," Remus said, as he and James joined Sirius at the table.

"I doubt they'd want a muggle-born. The last ten jobs I applied for turned me down because of my blood status, not that I blame them, since they said they were scared to hire me because of the loose death eaters running around. I doubt I'll find a job until the death eater attacks die down a little," Talinda stated, causing the three men to frown.

"We're going to the Three Broomsticks for drinks tonight. I'll ask around and see what I can find," Remus replied, and Talinda smiled.

"Thank you, Remus," She answered, and a smile appeared on his face as well.

"What do you have planned for your and Harry's night?" Sirius asked, causing the girl to shrug.

"We're having spaghetti tonight, and I'm making cupcakes for dessert. We'll probably just play with some toys until it's time for bed," Talinda said, and Sirius nodded.

"Sounds fun." He commented, and she shrugged.

"Oh, James," She called, getting the man's attention,"would it be fine for Harry to help me make dinner tonight?" She asked, causing the man to bite his lip.

"Um, I--" He began, unsure of his own answer.

"I believe it would be fun, and I know plently about kitchen safety. My sister, she's a professional chef, remember?" She commented, causing the man to nod slightly,"Well, she taught me everything I know. When I was little, especially every summer and holiday I came back from Hogwarts, Franky would have me help her in the kitchen. I learned quite a few recipes, and I had a lot of fun helping and making messes. I think Harry would really have some fun, especially when making a mess. Making a mess is the best part," Talinda added, and Sirius smiled.

     Sirius hoped that the way Talinda spoke would make James feel better about Harry being at her house overnight. Sirius had brought a bag with clothes and stuff for Harry, since he'd need new clothes and pajamas. He was glad he brought extra clothes, seeing as Talinda wanted him to help her make dinner.

     James kind of liked the idea of Talinda and Harry cooking together. He wished he could have moments like that with Harry, but he wasn't the best cook. James figured if Talinda was as good as she said she was, he could trust her with his son in the kitchen. He hoped he wouldn't have an anxiety attack leaving Harry overnight at someone's house, other than his own. He could barely let Sirius or Remus take Harry out without him, so he wasn't sure how well he was going to be with leaving Harry.

"I think Harry will like to help you cook. He's always up for doing new things," James said, and Talinda smiled, as did Remus and Sirius.

"Awesome! We'll have plenty of cupcakes leftover for you three to have some tomorrow. Come by when you all wake up, and I'll have breakfast ready by eight in the morning. I'll make sure to have hangover cures ready as well," Talinda commented, and the guys nodded.

"Do you have enough toys?" Sirius asked, looking over to Talinda,"I can run by the house and pick some up real quick," He added, but Talinda shook her head.

"No, I went to a yard sale the other day and--" She began, before James cut her off.

"Yard sale?" He asked, and she smiled lightly.

"A yard sale is a muggle thing, where people sell the things they don't want anymore, like clothes, shoes, toys, and books," She explained, before looking back at Sirius for a moment,"I picked up quite a bit of toys while I was there. I made sure they worked, had all their pieces, and were disinfected. I promise, I've got everything. There's no need for you to worry. Everything will be fine, I promise, James," Talinda added, the last part being pointed towards James.

     The idea that Talinda had went as far as buying Harry toys when she didn't even know she'd be watching him, made his stomach fill with butterflies. He figured she may actually be a good person for Harry, him, and his friends, but he could never be sure...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. The next chapter will be cute and mostly Harry and Talinda.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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