Chapter Thirty Three

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The very next morning, Talinda was the first one up. She went for a shower, then pulled on some clothes. She woke James and Sirius up after she was finished, so they could get up, get dressed, and be down for breakfast by the time Harry woke up. She didn't want to scar Harry for life by him seeing any of them without clothes.

James and Sirius soon came to the kitchen, and eventually James went up to Harry's room to get him for breakfast. It was a Saturday, so James and Sirius didn't have work after breakfast. It was a good thing, since they had been worn out the night before. Talinda was a very skilled person that could wear out anyone if she truly wanted to.

As they ate, Talinda and the guys were shocked to hear someone apparate outside the home. Moments later, Remus walked into the house. They hadn't expected to see him, and their hearts all skipped a beat, other than Harry who was too busy eating his breakfast to care. Talinda motioned for Sirius to stay with Harry, as she and James went to talk to Remus.

"What are you doing here?" Talinda asked, crossing her arms.

"I'm here to talk to Sirius," Remus replied, making her narrow her eyes.

"If you hurt him like you did before, so help me Merlin, I will tear you apart and not even break a sweat," Talinda spat, and Remus sighed.

"Tally, I just need to talk to him," Remus commented, causing Talinda to scoff.

"We're just trying to protect him, Remus," James said,"You hurt him. You don't know how long we had to deal with crying through the night and certain things making him feel like he wasn't good enough."

"Remus, you're a good guy. He doesn't care what you are, or who you see yourself as. He loves you for who you are, and he sees what you don't see when you look in the mirror. Don't let your fears cause you to lose the one person that will always truly love you in your life," Talinda stated, and Remus nodded.

"You're right," Remus replied,"just--let me talk to him, and I'll try to make things right."

The couple agreed, and they sent Sirius out to talk to Remus. They practically had to force themselves not to eavesdrop on the two. When they finally came back to the kitchen, Sirius went straight to his friends and hugged them. They had made Remus realize what he was missing, and just how good of a person her really was. He couldn't thank them enough for everything they did for him.

"Are you two staying for dinner tonight?" Talinda asked,"I'm making my famous cheeseburger casserole," She commented, causing the two men to grin.

"I definitely want to stay for your casserole," Sirius replied, making the girl laugh.

Remus and Sirius stayed close to each other throughout the day, and James and Talinda couldn't be happier. They had truly worried about their friends, but now it seemed everything was going back to normal. At one point, Talinda and James thought they were going to need to lock the two in a room together and make them talk it out, or possibly shag it out.

While Talinda and James sat together watching a movie with Harry, they heard a knock on the door. They weren't expecting anybody, so they became a little suspicious and worried. Talinda slowly walked to the door, as the three men held their wands ready to attack whoever was at the door if they needed to.

"Hi, are you Talinda Doyle?" The woman asked, causing Talinda to narrow her eyes,"I'm Bridget Westfall, I'm your sister's therapist, and I guess you could say I'm kind of seeing her," She explained, and Talinda raised an eyebrow.

"Why didn't Franky mention you?" Talinda asked, causing the woman to sigh.

"If anyone from Wentworth found out about our unprofessional relationship, things wouldn't turn out well for either of us. She could be put in isolation, and I'd lose my job, and possibly my therapy license," Bridget said, making Talinda nod.

"I guess you're right," Talinda murmured,"Uh, do you want to come in?" She asked, but the woman shook her head.

"No, I need to get back to Wentworth. I just wanted to meet you face to face, and I wanted to let you know that Franky's meetings with me are what's helping her chances of getting an early release date. I will try my hardest to make sure nothing happens to your sister, Talinda. Thank you for hearing me out," Bridget commented, and Talinda smiled.

"Thank you for helping my sister," Talinda replied,"She needs a woman like you to keep her level headed."

"I'll see you around, Talinda," Bridget answered, before she turned around and walked away.

"That was weird," Sirius commented, and the others nodded.

"Yes, but at least I know someone's looking out for Franky when I'm not around," Talinda replied, shrugging to herself.

"While she looks out for Franky, you look out for us," Sirius joked, and Remus chuckled.

"That's definitely true," Remus said, making the others smile.

After the weird encounter, Talinda went to the kitchen and began making dinner. She wanted to let her mind settle on the idea that Franky had a therapist that could potentially get her out early, and that therapist just so happened to be her girlfriend. Talinda wasn't sure Franky would ever get a girlfriend, but she was proven wrong.

Franky was going to be happy, and that's all Talinda wanted. For months Franky had been living vicariously through Talinda's life, and now she was getting her own. Talinda was glad that Remus and Sirius were finally back together as well. She hoped everything stayed good between them, otherwise she'd have to figure out a way to fix them. She wanted everyone to be happy, just like she was. She didn't want to see any of them unhappy, not if she could help it...

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