Chapter Fourteen

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      Monday had come up on her faster than she thought it would. She wasn't very prepared to wake up so early, but she knew she needed her job. There was no way she was going to lose her job because she was too lazy to get out of bed. After getting out of bed, she quickly took a shower, then made her way to her closet. She grabbed an outfit for the day, not worried if the clothes were muggle-like or not, seeing as she was a muggle-born. Anyone would believe she'd want to be careful with what she wore, but she honestly didn't call much attention to her outfits when she felt that she didn't really have a need to do so.

      Since it felt nice outside, Talinda was able to wear a pair of pants and a tshirt without having to wear a jacket or extra layers. After getting dressed, Talinda headed to the kitchen to make a vegemite sandwich. After eating her breakfast, she placed her wand in her pocket and apparated to Zonko's.

       During the first few hours of Talinda working at Zonko's, she really didn't have many customers. As she was sweeping the floor, she looked out of one of the many windows and seen a wizard in a dark cloak walking passed the store. When he looked inside, Talinda felt her heart skip a beat. Lucius Malfoy had looked straight at her, meaning he now knew that she was still in the wizarding world. With Malfoy knowing she still lived in the wizarding world, he could tell the other death eaters and Talinda could easily be in a lot of danger.

       Talinda breathed in shakily, turning away from the window with a quickness. She didn't need to stare out of the window any longer, since there was a chance she could make complete eye contact with another death eater. She hated the idea of the death eaters finding out where she was, since that meant everyone around her could be in danger.

       She had to stay calm, otherwise she'd call attention to herself. Normally she wouldn't care, but she also didn't think she'd see death eaters walking around so freely in town. Apparently the Ministry wasn't trying that hard to actually catch any death eaters. Sure, they caught some of the most dangerous ones, such as Bellatrix and Rudolphus Lestrange, but they didn't catch all of them. Talinda knew Malfoy had most definitely paid his way out of Azkaban, which angered her greatly.

         After a full day of work, Talinda went straight home. Before she had gotten to work in the morning, she had decided she was going to stop somewhere for dinner, but after being spotted by Malfoy, she decided her home was safer than a public area. Many people turned their heads when it came to the Malfoys, so there was a good chance nobody would bat an eye if Malfoy did anything to Talinda in public.

"Talinda!" A voice exclaimed, as she closed her front door, causing her to jump and grab her wand.

       Her eyes were wide when she had turned around to come face to face with James Potter. He held his hands up in surrender, as he stared at the girl who looked quite shaken up.

"It's just me. Are you alright?" He asked, causing the girl to nod quickly.

      Talinda lowered her wand and shook off her fear, hoping she could mask it all from the man in front of her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You just scared me," She replied, causing the man to nod.

       James knew she was lying, but he wasn't going to force it out of her. He needed a favor, and he knew he wouldn't get it if he interrogated her like an investigator.

"Why are you here?" Talinda asked, as she kicked off her shoes by the front door.

"Oh, right. I was wondering if you could do me a favor. I know it was your first day at work, but I really need you to watch Harry for the night," He began, pacing slightly,"You remember when Sirius and I went to the Ministry to get me a spot as an auror?" He asked, looking over at the girl.

"Yeah, you got the spot, I thought," She commented, causing the man to nod.

"I did, but they also wanted Sirius to work with me as well. Sirius wasn't going to take the offer, since the ministry tried to blame him for...anyway, the head auror Mad-Eye Moody, needs Sirius and I to go on a raid with him. I wouldn't ask you to watch Harry if I really didn't need it. Remus is sick, so he can't watch Harry. You're my only other option," James rambled, causing Talinda to smile slightly.

     James' anxious rambling had calmed her nerves a bit. She didn't feel so stiff and terrified.

"I'll watch him, don't worry. I've got this, just bring him by when you're ready," Talinda said, and James smiled sheepishly.

"Thank Merlin you agreed, or this would've been awkward," He commented, as Harry ran into the room and wrapped his arms around Talinda's leg, as Sirius chased after him.

        Talinda laughed lightly, as she picked up the young boy and placed him on her hip.

"I see you two were sure I was going to agree," She mused, causing both guys to laugh nervously.

"Well, we kind of figured you'd never disagree since he's Harry," Sirius commented, causing Talinda to roll her eyes.

"You're lucky you're all cute, otherwise I'd  have to disagree with you," She retorted, and Sirius smirked.

"I knew you thought we were cute," Sirius replied, before turning towards James,"See Jamesie? Tally thinks you're cute," He teased, watching James' cheeks tint pink with a blush.

        Turning away, Sirius almost laughed out loud when he caught an evident blush being hidden on Talinda's face as well. Sirius hoped Talinda and James would eventually realize they liked each other, but he doubted it would be easy. James was still hung up over Lily, and Talinda was worried about having anyone get close to her, since everyone close to her seemed to be taken away...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. There'll be more drama soon, but it won't be very shocking in the next chapter.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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