Chapter Seventeen

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      As soon as the patronus had entered the Potter home, the two aurors were very alert. They had never seen Talinda's patronus before, so when they seen the sphinx patronus they jumped into action. Sirius and James had heard the whimper she had given before saying she needed help, so they left the Potter home as quick as they could. Luckily for them, Harry was already asleep, so they were able to leave without worrying about him needing them immediately.

        The two aurors used the floo network to enter Talinda's home, and they made sure to stay alert the whole time. Their jaws dropped when they seen all of the destruction around the house, but Sirius' eyes widened when he smelt smoke.

"I think there's fire!" Sirius exclaimed quietly, looking over at James.

      Both aurors ran through the house, checking everywhere for Talinda. James gasped quietly when he seen Talinda laying motionless in the middle of a room engulfed in flames.

"Padfoot!" James exclaimed, as he hesitantly ran into the room to save Talinda.

      Sirius quickly made his way into the room as well, trying his best to put out the flames. Once the fire was practically gone, Sirius dropped to his knees next to Talinda and James. James was trying to stop the blood that was profusely flowing through Talinda's open wounds. Sirius checked for a pulse and made sure she was still breathing. He knew if she didn't make it, James and Harry would be distraught. He and Remus would be upset as well, him more than Remus, but either way, they would all be hurt by her passing.

"We have to get her out of here. We can't chance the Death Eaters coming back," Sirius stated, and James nodded warily.

"Should we take her to St. Mungos?" James asked quietly, holding pressure on her abdomen where the most blood was seeping through.

"I doubt she'd make it through apparition, so we should just bring her to your place. We can try to heal her up there. Remus may have some dittany somewhere that he can provide for her," Sirius replied, as he and James carefully picked Talinda up.

       Talinda made a soft whimper, but she didn't move nor show any signs of gaining conciousness anytime soon. The two aurors had to work together to get Talinda through the floo network, but nonetheless they were able to get her safely back to the Potter home.

"I'll check on Harry; you stay here with Talinda. Remus should be here soon with dittany," Sirius stated, before he walked out of the room.

       James watched over Talinda for a few moments, and soon enough Remus arrived with dittany in hand. He quickly made his way over to Talinda and James, as Sirius walked back into the room with a look of relief on his face.

"Where is she bleeding from?" Remus asked, crouching down next to the couch.

"Here," James began, pointing to her very bloody abdomen,"and she has a few places on her arms and legs," He finished, his voice showing that he was worried about his friend.

"Will she wake once her wounds are healed?" Sirius asked, biting his lip slightly.

      The werewolf looked over at the shaggy haired man, sighing slightly when he seen just how tired both he and James had appeared to be.

"She should, but she might need some rest," Remus answered, rubbing dittany on her wounds,"Do either of you know what the Death Eaters used on her?" He asked, looking back over at the two dark haired males.

"No, all we know is they knocked her out and set fire to the room we found her in. She sent us a patronus before she was knocked out though, and she sounded very frightened," James said, staring down at the blonde witch.

      Once Remus was finished with the dittany, he waved his wand to clean the blood out of her hair. He knew James wanted to clean up the blood, but her hair was going to be difficult. Remus had learned how to clean blood out of hair ages ago, so he was easily able to wave his wand again to clean hers.

"You changed her hair, Moony," Sirius commented, causing the werewolf to scowl.

"That's never happened before, so I think she was changing her hair color at will. I believe this is her natural hair color; the same as yours and James' if I'm not mistaken," Remus answered, as he and Sirius watched James began to clean the blood off of Talinda.

"I hope she wakes up soon. I don't know how Harry would react if she didn't," James murmured, though he meant himself as well.

"She'll wake up once she's fully healed and well rested, Prongs," Sirius replied, smiling at his friend.

     Remus and Sirius could see just how much James cared for the Doyle girl. She was a light James and Harry had been missing for a while. She made everything better, even when it was hard for them to see a brighter side to any situation.

"We're going to head to bed, mate. You should try to get some sleep. I doubt she'll wake up tonight," Sirius said, as Remus' cheeks tinted slightly.

      Remus and Sirius had shared a bed before, but that was when they were in Hogwarts or after a full moon. It had been a year or two since they had shared a bed, and Remus couldn't help the blush that was edging his cheeks. Remus had began to have feelings for Sirius, which he could barely admit to himself, so he definitely wasn't admitting it to his friend. Besides, he seen himself as a monster, and he didn't want to hurt anyone because of the monster he seen himself as.

"I-I can't just leave her out here alone. What if she wakes up and none of us are around? She'd have a panic attack from not knowing where she is," James commented, causing his two friends to frown.

"James, she'll be fine. Nothing is going to happen to her, so you should rest and be ready to take care of her in the morning," Sirius replied, as Remus nodded in agreement.

     James knew they were right, but he was scared. He had lost too many people to the Death Eaters already, as had Harry and Sirius, so he was scared he was going to lose someone else. He hadn't really proved to himself that he had feelings for her, but he knew she meant something to him and Harry, so he really wanted to protect her. Instead of arguing with his friends, James sighed and walked into his room. Sleep wasn't going to come easy, but he needed to at least try...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I wasn't going to take so long between updates, but I've been trying to create some new ideas for other stories, so my mind has been all over the place. Anyhow, what do you guys think?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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