Chapter Two

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      Since Talinda didn't live in the muggle part of town, she didn't have to worry about anyone being nosy. She needed a break from her mind, since her sister's call had been the tipping point of her sanity for the day. Things were going wrong left and right, but her sister being locked up was the icing on the cake.

      Talinda walked around for a while, not really having a desired destination. About an hour into walking, she let out a deep sigh and practically threw herself to the ground. She was glad she didn't live where many cars passed, though she was really close to town, meaning people would be walking back and forth to the shops and such. She hoped nobody would bother her, as she laid on the ground with her eyes closed. A pout was prominent on her face, as she allowed her mind to go blank.

      As James, Sirius, and Harry were getting closer to town, they spotted someone laying on the ground. The person was alive, that they could tell by the rising and falling of the person's chest. As they walked closer, they could easily tell the person was a girl, and she didn't seem to have any noticeable injuries. They wondered why she was laying in the middle of the path though, seeing as anyone could easily grab her or possibly run her over, if they were a muggle-born or someone with a muggle car.

"Do you think she's as looney as you?" Sirius whispered to James, causing the bespectacled man to glare at him.

"Padfoot--" James began, before he felt Harry pull away from him and start running towards the girl,"Harry! Get back here!" James exclaimed, as he reached for his son.

     James was just inches away, but Harry was out of reach. The young boy ran over to the woman and observed her carefully, as if he was checking for cuts, bruises, or if she was dead. As soon as he seen that she was breathing, a mischievous smile made it's way on to his face, before he jumped on to the girl.

"Boo!" He exclaimed, causing the girl's eyes to widen and she let out a scream.

     Harry began to laugh, thinking he had played a prank on the girl. He did successfully scare her, but she hadn't known she was part of the prank until it happened. James and Sirius quickly ran over, not wanting the girl to be upset and also not sure what she was capable of.

"Harry!" Sirius exclaimed, as he and James ran over.

"I am so sorry! I-I didn't expect him to do that. He's never been like this with strangers before," James rambled, a slight embarrassed tint making it's way on to his cheeks.

"It's fine. He's just a bub. No harm done," Talinda replied, as she ran her fingers through Harry's hair with a light laugh.

      Harry laughed once again, as he smiled up at the pretty girl. A smirk formed on Sirius' face once he realized why Harry was grinning; Harry thought the girl was pretty, and he was trying to flirt like his father use to when they were younger.

"Why were you laying in the middle of the path, love?" Sirius asked, watching James contemplate rather he should grab Harry or let the woman be near his son.

"Trying not to lose my mind, I suppose. Too much has happened lately, and I needed to clear my head," She replied, sighing slightly.

"Y-you want to walk with us? It helps to be around people, ya know, talking and stuff," James offered awkwardly, as Sirius merely chuckled.

"Not to sound rude, but I don't even know your names, so spilling my guts doesn't sound to welcoming," Talinda said, as she stood up and dusted off her pants.

"Right, I'm Sirius Black, that's James Potter, and the little prankster who jumped on you is Harry," Sirius replied, a glint in his eye unreadable to James or Talinda,"Now that you know us, you can walk with us. We're not a threat," He added, as Talinda rolled her eyes with a smile on her face.

"Right, now we're best mates," She retorted, causing Sirius and James to chuckle.

       A smile graced Sirius' face for a moment hearing his brother laugh, but he didn't let anyone see it, since he didn't want to scare James off from a potential friendship, maybe more.

"You sound funny," Harry commented, causing the three adults to look down at him.

"Harry--" James began to scold him, but Talinda cut him off.

"It's fine," She murmured to James, before crouching down to Harry's level,"I'm from Australia, so if anything, you're the one that sounds funny to me, bub," She replied, winking playfully at Harry.

"Australia? You're a bit far from home, aren't you?" Sirius questioned, causing the girl to shrug.

"It's where my mother sent me once she learned I was magic. She wanted me as far from her as possible, though I went home for holidays and such. She tried to stay gone as often as possible, otherwise things weren't too pretty. My sister helped me though, so it's all good. I stayed here after graduating from Hogwarts though, but I've stayed in the shadows for the most part, since I'm a muggle-born," She stated, causing Sirius to nod.

     Sirius could tell from her words that her home life sucked, probably not as bad as his, but he didn't know, so he couldn't assume.

"Is that why you were laying on the ground? Figuring out the meaning of life?" Sirius asked, but immediately regretted it once he seen the frown on her and James' faces.

"Something like that," She murmured, before turning away from the boys,"I've got to go. It was nice meeting you all. Here Harry, buy yourself some chocolate," She added, as she handed the boy a galleon.

"Wait--I didn't mean to offend you--" Sirius began, but the girl simply shook her head.

"Don't worry, Sirius. Life sucks, but words are the least of my problems right now," She replied, before walking away.

"Damn it," Sirius cursed quietly, as James sighed.

"See? Not good with the female gender; not trying anymore," James said, as he grabbed Harry's hand again and began to walk towards the shop.

       Sirius sighed. He really blew it, but he really hoped to see the girl again. He wanted to apologize. The girl was so nice to Harry, James, and himself. He figured she just might be the nudge James needs to finally be whole again...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I said I was going to update tomorrow, but I changed my mind. I had some ideas rolling around, so I needed to get them down while I was still thinking about them.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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