Chapter Twelve

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"I asked around last night, but the only place willing to hire a muggle-born is the bar that's for wizards set up in a muggle city. Zonko's would hire you, but the man said you'd have to be good with pranks, and I wasn't really sure if you were, so I didn't know if you'd want it to be an option or not," Remus said, as Talinda cleaned up the lunch dishes later on in the day.

"You'd be surprised, Remus, but I'm actually great at pranks. I use to pull pranks on the Slytherins all the time. I also pulled pranks on my sister quite often as well," Talinda replied, smirking slightly.

"You've officially caught my attention. I never would've thought you were a prankster," Sirius commented, and Talinda laughed slightly.

"I was, but not much anymore. After leaving Hogwarts, I kind of grew out of it. Besides, my sister is locked up and I don't really have any friends after leaving school, so who am I supposed to prank? Myself?" Talinda retorted, causing Sirius to laugh quite loudly.

       Sirius felt even better about Talinda. He liked the idea that Talinda had pranked people when she was at Hogwarts. With Talinda having a past in pranking, Sirius felt as though James would have more in common with the girl.

"So, would you want to work there?" James asked, as he looked over at the girl.

       Talinda loved the idea of finally finding a job, especially one where she'd get pretty good pay, but she was worried about her safety. Sure, they'd still hire her even though she was a muggle-born, but that didn't help ease her worries. Anyone could find her if they wanted to hurt her for being a muggle-born.

"Yeah, I mean, it's one of the only options I have if I want to keep living here," Talinda said, and James frowned.

       James hadn't known that Talinda was running low on money. Sirius had kept the information to himself like he had promised, but after failing to find Talinda a job for over a week, he went against his promise and informed Remus. Sirius didn't want to tell James, since he knew James would want to try and keep his distance from the girl.

         Sirius knew James would be worried that the girl would try and use him for money, but after seeing how much she spent on Harry -though she didn't have much money- he'd realize that she didn't care about anyone's money. Talinda would try her hardest to make her own money, even if it meant getting a muggle job. Though, after many weeks of searching, her only option was moving back to Aussie, if it wasn't for Remus helping her and Sirius look for her a job.

"We can go down there today and talk to the owner. He said he was running low on workers, so he'd probably hire you on the spot," Remus said, and Talinda quickly agreed.

      Talinda quickly went to her room to change into something else other than her muggle clothes. Once she was dressed, she quickly fixed her hair then left her room.

"Ready?" Remus asked, causing the girl to nod.

"Yep, completely ready," She answered, a smile evident on her face.

       Remus stood from his seat; ready to bring Talinda straight to Zonko's.

"You three can stay here to wait and see if I get the job. If I get the job, I'll make a dish my sister taught me, if I don't get the job, well, then I'll order muggle food and we can drowned our sorrows in muggle foods," Talinda said, causing Sirius to smirk slightly.

       Remus allowed Talinda to grab his arm to apparate to Zonko's. As Talinda did her interview, with Remus walking around the shop to see if he could find anything for Harry, Sirius, or possibly James. Having Remus around during the interview made Talinda less nervous.

      As Talinda and Remus were at Zonko's, Sirius began to snoop around Talinda's place. He wasn't exactly snooping, he was just checking out her pictures, books, and such that she had displayed around the house. He smiled when he seen the pictures of Talinda and her sister. He couldn't deny that Talinda and Franky were both very beautiful, but he didn't exactly have a thing for Talinda or Franky. Franky may have been a lesbian, but she wouldn't have to worry about Sirius trying to hook up with her.

      Yes, Sirius hit on many beautiful women, but he never actually had his sights set on any of them. Actually, Sirius had his eyes set on someone completely different. Sirius had a thing for the six foot three werewolf himself, Remus Lupin. Sirius didn't admit it outloud however, nor would Remus after he had realized he also had feelings for the dark haired male.

        James and Talinda could tell that Sirius and Remus had feelings for each other, they just figured the two men were too oblivious to their own feelings. Like Sirius, James was also looking at all the pictures and books that were displayed in Talinda's house. He followed Harry to the room where all his toys were, which caused the man's eyes to widen when he seen the amount of toys Talinda had gotten for the young boy when she was told he may be staying for a night with her.

            After seeing everything Talinda had gotten for Harry, especially after he learned that she didn't have much money, he couldn't help but hope Talinda was given the job at Zonko's. He hoped the woman would get the job she deserved. James would hate if Talinda was turned down, especially after seeing how excited she was to try to get the job earlier that day. He did wonder what muggle food she'd buy if she didn't get the job, but no amount of food would make him wish the woman didn't get her job. Sirius, James, and Harry could only wait for Talinda and Remus to return with the news they were so desperately waiting for...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I'll have a couple more chapters up today, but I'm not sure exact times.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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