Chapter Nineteen

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     Living with James wasn't too hard, other than the constant bickering between him, Sirius, and Remus. James and Sirius bickered the most, but Remus did add to it sometimes. She had only been at James' for three days, but it had felt like a while. After some of the pain was gone on the first day, she contacted Franky though a letter and told her that she had changed her number. She hadn't told Franky the truth yet, since she knew the guards in the facility would read her letter. She didn't need muggles knowing about what had happened to her.

"I need to visit Franky Thursday," Talinda said, as she walked into the kitchen with a slight limp.

"No, you're still healing," James replied, looking up from The Daily Prophet.

"I wasn't asking for permission, James. I was simply telling you about my plans. I will need one of you to apparate me though, since I'm not sure I can do it myself yet," Talinda replied, as James simply scowled.

"I will, but I want to meet your sister if I apparate you," Sirius said, and Talinda smiled.

"Great! I'll let her know today when she calls," Talinda answered, before walking away to grab a bowl for some cereal.

      James glared at Sirius, causing Sirius to smirk. Sirius wasn't making any moves on Talinda, since he had Remus now, but he couldn't deny that she was hot. Sirius would be labeled as bisexual, since he found both men and women attractive, which James had now known. James didn't like how close Sirius was trying to get to Talinda, which made Sirius smirk every time he seen James glare at him. If he could finally get James to admit his feelings, he would stop shamelessly flirting with the girl in front of him. Even Remus knew of Sirius' game, which he didn't approve of, but he wasn't put off by it either. He understood why Sirius was doing it in the first place.

"We will apparate to a hotel tonight, and I'll have a rental car for us in the morning. I've already talked to Mr. Jackson, so he put our names on the visitors' list for tomorrow. You'll have to leave your wand in the car when we get to the facility though, since I can't have the muggles finding it," Talinda stated, as she walked into the kitchen again after eating her cereal and talking to Franky.

"Mr. Jackson?" Sirius asked, hoping to get a reaction out of James.

"He's one of the guards. According to Franky, he's the nicest guard. I met him once when I went up there to see Franky the first time and he was real nice, but I didn't know if he was as nice to the prisoners as he is the visitors," Talinda replied, as James huffed silently.

      James wouldn't admit it, but he hated that Talinda paid any attention to guys that tried to talk to her. Sirius could tell that James was irritated with it, but he wasn't going to say anything. He liked watching James squirm every time a male was in Talinda's presence. The silent torture made Sirius want to laugh, but it also made him want to tell Talinda all about James' crush on her, even if James hadn't admitted to anyone--or even himself--that he had a crush on Talinda yet.

"Can you bring anything to the prisoners? Like cupcakes or anything?" Sirius asked, genuinely curious.

"From what I've seen and heard, no, but that's never stopped the drugs from getting into the building, so I don't see why not," She answered, as Sirius laughed slightly.

"Has anything changed with Franky after she told you about Jacs?" James asked, causing the girl to shake her head.

"Not that I've heard, but Jacs hasn't caused too many problems in a while. If she gets mad at Franky, that may turn into a different story," Talinda answered, and James nodded slightly.

"Who's Jacs?" Sirius asked, looking between James and Talinda.

"Some old hag that's an inmate at Wentworth. Apparently she's had it out for Franky, ever since Franky became top dog. Franky wanted to meet James and Harry, but I'm not sure that would be a good idea. I can let her meet James the next time I visit her or--" Talinda began, before Sirius cut her off.

"James can go with you to see Franky. I'll watch Harry overnight with Remus. It'll give you both some time to get to know each other," Sirius said, a grin plastered on his face.

"Are you sure? You said you wanted to meet Franky and--" She began, but he cut her off once more.

"I will eventually, but not tomorrow. My mind is made up. You and James pack for your adventure. I'll be the babysitter for a night," Sirius replied, and she nodded, as James glared at Sirius.

"We'll pack after lunch," James commented, trying to sound like he was excited for the trip.

      James was actually nervous to be staying in a hotel room with Talinda for a night by himself. He was also nervous about meeting Franky, since all the stories Talinda had told him about her older sister made James realize just how protective she was of Talinda.

"You said she wants to meet Harry?" Sirius asked, bringing them back into conversation.

"Yes, but only after Jacs is gone. She doesn't need Jacs using Harry against her, it'll already be bad enough if she uses James and I against her. She also wants to meet you eventually, as well as Remus. The good thing is she's only supposed to spend seven years in there, so she'll be out eventually and she'll be able to be around us," Talinda said, and Sirius nodded.

     Sirius hoped this visit with Franky wouldn't cause problems. He didn't want Talinda or James hurt because of some crazy bitch in prison. There were many things that could go wrong, but he hoped for the best. He hoped when the two returned from their trip, that they'd finally realize they both have feelings for each other...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, I have many ideas running through my head right now. I do want to know if you guys would possibly like smut in this story? I've never really written it before, so I can't promise it would be good, but I'm just curious if you guys would want to read it or not.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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