|1| See you later

Start from the beginning

"It wasn't sarcasm," I assure her. "am I supposed to be thrilled you're leaving, huh? Help you pack? Here."

She pushes my hand away quickly. "Stop, I don't need this right now."

"What about me, Morgan?" I raise my voice.

"What... about... you," she exhales heavily, hesitating.

"I'm trying to do what's right here. I fucking need you, and you're leaving me again! It's like," I pause to wet my lips. "every time you do this, you're getting me used to saying goodbye."

"I'm not leaving you, Chris. I love you, I still want to marry you soon, but I need this. We need this!"

"What do you want me to do, go to therapy? I told you I tried, that shit didn't work!" I follow her to her closet and take the clothes from her hands because I can't fathom her actually going anywhere.

Morgan flails her arms, stopping in her tracks. "It doesn't have to be sitting on a couch for an hour with a stranger, Chris! Our journeys are going to look completely different, and that's fine. But after everything that happened... I don't know how to help you." She shakes her head.

"You have to admit that this isn't normal," Morgan says in my face.

I look directly in her eyes. "Why does it have to be?"

She hunches her shoulders. "Because you shouldn't want to live like this. We have dreams of raising a family, do you really want to bring them into the world when we're constantly looking over our shoulders?"

My jaw clenches.

I slam the clothes into Morgan's suitcase and throw my hands in the air.

I'm making my way to the door to leave when Morgan asks, "That's it?"

"You want to be a bitch and leave me, fine, fucking do it." My words physically cause Morgan to freeze.

I forage through my bedside drawers for my weed and rolling papers, inherently stressed.

"You're hurt, Chris. You're not well right now." Her ability to be calm after my remarks doesn't fail to amaze me.

I walk through the door anyway. It may be the best for us to have some personal time apart to grow, but I won't help her pack to leave me.

I release a deep breath into the warmth of our house and take it all in

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I release a deep breath into the warmth of our house and take it all in.

What does any of this mean? This New York townhouse? The Tesla? My Rolex?

Wanted For Pleasure: vol 3Where stories live. Discover now