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Jungkook's POV:
"What do you mean I shouldn't be here?" She asked me, so she doesn't know? Why would her family send her here? She maybe doesn't know about the crisis between Kim's and Kihun's.

Would it be good to tell her? I don't think so. "Jungkook?" She snapped me out. "Oh yeah, I meant your family has settled in Abroad, so why are you here?" I made it up in some way.

"Oh, I just came here to study. I just wanted to know how it feels to live at your home place," she smiled, and I nodded.


Taehyung's POV:
I'm standing in the library, and I came to get my books again. As all of them are torn now. "All of the syllabus," i told the librarian and shook my head disappointingly.

I heard the library's bell tinged, which means someone opened the door. "Hello, can I get -" It was her voice. I closed my eyes and clutched my jaw.

Controlling my anger. She stood beside me. "Oh, so you're here too," she said, but I didn't reply. "Can you please hurry up?" I said to the librarian, who was collecting books from me from the racks.

She gave me a side eye, walking back to the reception. "Yes, this book and this one, I want them!" Y/n held two of the books the librarian took out for me along with the other.

"Excuse me, these are for me!" I said, but she acted as if she couldn't hear me. "How much?" Y/n said, taking out her purse. "Hello!" I waved my hand in front of her.

"1500 won!" The librarian said. "I came here first! You can't do like that! You should give me first! Not her?" I looked at the librarian in disbelief.

They both acted as if I'm not here. Y/n gave the money, and the librarian handed her the books. "Thank you!" Y/n said and left from there.

"Why on earth does she is treated well and not me!" I made a disappointed face and sighed in anger.

"Here are your books. It's totally 8900 won," the librarian said, and I paid her the money.

Took my books and left from there, jungkook chased after me as soon as he saw me leaving the library.

"You look angry," he said, and I didn't reply. "Did someone say something?" He asked as if he didn't know. "At least tell me?" I stopped walking because i was tired of his questions.

"Why don't you go to y/n and ask? Also, you love talking to her, right?" I smiled and then dropped it quick once I was done talking.

"C'mon Taehyung, she's a new student, she was asking me about the university, I was telling her the -" he stopped talking when I stopped in front of the window.

Looking outisde, I saw y/n hugging that old tree. "She definitely has some mental disorders." I scoffed, walking away from there.


Y/n's POV:
I unlocked the door with my keys. I got inside and saw that the lights were switched off. "Isn't he here yet?" I wondered and switched on the lights.

"I was told that my apartment mate is a boy, I thought it'd be a one who'd disturb me, but it seems like he's quite obedient," I said and took off my shoes.

Walking inside, I threw my bag on the sofa and plopped myself on it. "Ah! Such a long day," then I remembered how I met taehyung and everything messed up.

"Oh God, I don't know how I'll be able to settle things between you and I," I shook my head and just went to my room from there.

I felt like taking a shower, so I went to take one.


Taehyung's POV:
I opened the apartment lock and walled in. The lights were on, which means she's here. I took off my shoes, placing them on the shoe rack, and wore my Gucci slippers.

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