7 - Application anxiety

Start from the beginning

    Avery looks up to see her mother standing in the doorway. The girl sighs and sits back up "I've got everything done, except the most important part. The essay," She says "Really? I didn't think you would get stuck on that part. You love writing, and you're incredible at it,"

    "Writing in my journals and writing this essay are totally different," Avery tells her. Lorelai tilts her head "They don't have to be. And they shouldn't be" The woman tells her daughter "What do you mean?" Avery asks "Hon, you shouldn't be writing any different on this application than you normally would. You should be applying as Avery Gilmore, not the person you think Yale wants you to be. Don't try and limit yourself to what others want you to be" With that Lorelai places a kiss on her daughter's head and leaves the room.

    Lorelai's words run through Avery's mind as she looks at the paper. Suddenly, Avery knew exactly what to write...


    Avery walked through the Chilton halls with a big smile on her face, before stopping at Tristan's locker. The boy looks over at her and raises a brow "I take it your writer's block is fixed," He asks. Avery nods rapidly. "Yeah." The girl takes a paper out of her binder and hands it to him "I want you to read it."

    Tristan takes the paper from her "Obviously, I'll read it. But, I don't want my opinion to affect how you feel about it," He tells her. Avery smiles at him "It won't, just read it and you'll understand. Besides, I already sent it in," the girl tells him with a shrug and walks away.

    Tristan watches her walk away and goes to the library to read the girl's essay. The boy sat down and began reading. His eyes were glued to the paper the entire time, he didn't want to stop reading. A smile graced his lips when finished it. He knew Avery was good, but this? This was incredible.


     Lorelai and Avery walk into the living room, behind Emily "She's meeting you here?" Emily questions, regarding Rory. "Yeah, she had a thing after school, a rumble or something. She said she'd be over after." Lorelai tells her mother. Avery unsuccessfully stifles a snot, earning a sharp look from her grandmother "So she's meeting you here?" Emily questions her daughter once more

    "Yes, she's meeting us here. Where's dad?" Lorelai huffs. "The magazines," Emily says as she walks away. Avery looks at her mother "That was weird and unresponsive," The girl mutters, Lorelai nodding agreement. Avery and Lorelai walk over to the couch while Emily returns with a stack of magazines. The woman places one of them in Avery's lap before walking to sit across from Lorelai

    "These are college issues of various magazines. I've been collecting them for a couple of months now." Emily tells her daughter. Avery looks down at the one her grandmother had given her to see it was a Yale magazine, she smiles to herself before returning to the conversation.

    "I've unearthed some shocking statistics. I mean, do you have any idea how hot the competition is to get into a school like Harvard?" Emily questions Lorelai "Well, yeah, it's very hot. It's one of the top schools in the country."

    " In the world. People from China, Russia, India, children from every country apply to Harvard. There's more competition than ever before." Emily corrects her daughter. Avery looks at the woman "Grandma, we already know all of this,"

    "With the dot-com bust and the job market dwindling and the stock market going up and down like a yo-yo, everyone and his brother knows the best chance for success and financial security is not just to go to college, but to go to a top college." Emily continues. Lorelai nods and purses her lips "Thank you, got it, appreciate the info."

    "Lorelai, hold on here. What are we gonna do about this?" Emily asks with concern, lacing her voice "Look, there is no we, okay? It's me and Rory and Avery that's the we. I appreciate your concern and your prodigious research, but it's all gonna be fine. Rory's special."

    "Well, you know that and I know that but those idiots at Harvard may not necessarily know that" Emily tells her. "Hello" Rory calls from the hallway. Avery looked down at the Yale magazine and couldn't help but wonder.

    Avery looks up as Lorelai and Rory step out of the living room and into Richard's study, leaving the younger twin alone with her grandmother. Emily looks at Avery with a smile "So, Elenore tells me your friends with the Huntzberger's boy." Avery shakes her head "I wouldn't necessarily say we're friends. More so just friendly,"

"Yes, well the Huntzberger's are a wonderful family. It's good that- What's wrong?" The woman cuts herself short upon seeing the far off look on her granddaughter's face. Avery looks at her grandmother "Do you think I have what it takes to get into Yale? I mean, if you think Rory's chances of getting into Harvard are slim. What chance do I have at Yale?"

    Emily sighs and goes to sit next to the girl and grabs one of her hands "You underestimate yourself, Avery. You have just as good a chance as any. Last night your mother called your grandfather and I and told us about your essay. She said it was incredible. If you'd allow me, I'd love to read it," Avery smiles at her grandma "I'll bring over a copy next week,"

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