Chapter 33

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At this Gelmud begins to yelp and tells the Orc Lord to just evolve into a demon lord already. At this finally the Orc Lord begins to move and Gelmud starts to laugh because he knows that now the tide will turn. However, then something unexpected happens as the Orc Lord cuts the neck of Gelmud and starts to devour him.

Shizu= On my god.

Tiss= ...

Gazel= I expected something like this to happen.

Testarossa= Makes sense the Orc Lord is the source of [Starved] so of course he would do something like this.

Kenya= Even if he had gotten eaten, I am actually feeling happy that, now that idiot is finally dead.

Hinata= So it wasn't Rimuru or any of his subordinates who killed Gelmud but his own ally.

Jeff= But why did he kill his own ally.

Alice= He might had gotten tired of his blabbering.

Great Sage= <Gelmud's life signs have ceased.>

Rimuru= <Yeah, I can see that.>

After this the power level of the Orc Lord starts to rise dramatically as the Orc lord becomes a Demon lord and evolves into the Orc Disaster.

Great Sage= <Geld's magicules have increased vastly.>

Rimuru= (Which means I would have to defeat him right now otherwise. He will become a problem.)

Orc Disaster= I am Geld, Geld the Demon Lord.

Carrera= So that Orc just became a demon lord.

Ultima= Isn't he a bit too weak to be a demon lord?

Guy= Yes that is because he hasn't evolved into a true demon lord.

Geld= But the voice of World did say that he has become a demon lord.

Dagruel= He had became the Demon Lord Seed which is the lower form of the Demon Lord.

Fuze= So he became this strong because he ate that Gelmud guy.

Veldora= Yeah pretty much.

Rimuru= Remember when you guys were saying that this is not difficult. Yeah, this is where the difficulty gets "increased ten times". (A\N: "cranked up to eleven")

Ultima= So when you were saying that this fight was difficult for you. This is what you were talking about.

Rimuru= Yep this is exactly what I was talking about.

Leon= Is this what you meant when you said that you sort of fought both Gelmud and the Orc Lord at the same time.

Rimuru= Exactly.

Luminous= What do you mean?

Dino= Orc Lord has absorbed the power of Gelmud which means now fighting him is like fighting both of them.

On Benimaru's command Shion charged towards the Orc Disaster. Rimuru tried to object to this, but Benimaru assured him that everything would be fine. Shion ran towards the Orc Disaster and attacked him with her blade, but he blocked it with his own. The clash shook the ground, but she was pushed back. Suddenly Hakorou came and sliced his head off. But he was able to reattach his head. Then he was completely apprehended by Souei with his [Steel threads] and was attacked by Benimaru's Hell Flare and Ranga's black lightning. But after all of this nothing had happened to him.

Fuze= All of those attacks did absolutely nothing.

Hinata= I kind of expected that.

Testarossa= I doubt he would have been able to take all those attacks prior.

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