Chapter 41

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Youm sounds stunned as he asks Rimuru what he means by being a hero.

Ultima= He himself is just as stunned as we were before at hearing this news.

Velzard= Well of course he would be. In fact, he would be much more stunned than any of us given the ridiculousness of the proposal.

Diablo= No matter how ridiculous the proposal was for him. It was a fool proof plan from Rimuru-sama.

Rimuru= You don't need to say this, Diablo. That plan definitely had several holes in it. It was not foolproof by any means.

Diablo= Yes Rimuru-sama. (My master is so humble and glorious at the same time. He is truly marvelous.)

Ciel= <Even if that plan wasn't foolproof, that still was one of the better plans that you ever made.>

Rimuru= <Thanks. I know that but the way Diablo makes it out to be it is like no plan is better than this one.>

Ciel= <You know that for him every single plan that you make is the greatest plan in the world.>

Rimuru= <Yeah, it is like he thinks of me like a deity or something.>

Ciel= <Maybe. Because he does.>

Rimuru= <I hope not. Because there are already a lot of people like Shion who treat me like a God. I don't need more people like her.>

Ciel= <Well it does look like that he is going to be that type of person. But there is a chance that he changes in the future.>

Rimuru= <I sure hope so.>

Rimuru explained to him what he meant and told him the plan. The plan being that they are going to spread the news that it was Youm's group who defeated the Orc Lord with the help of Rimuru. This way the world won't be super afraid of the nation of monsters as to them there weren't the ones to defeat the Orc Lord but only the ones to help the 'actual' victors Youm's group. This would also make it seem that the nation of monsters isn't malevolent, and they act friendly towards humans.

Jeff= So the point of your plan was for the humans to think that you are not a threat.

Testarossa= Makes sense.

Fuze understood the plan and agreed to help them. By spreading rumors necessary for this plan to work.

Carrion= Really? But why did you agree to help him?

Fuze= It would most likely be explained soon. But I guess you could say that I didn't want to be on his bad side.

Gazel= So you had also started to think about getting into an alliance with them.

Fuze= Not necessarily an alliance, but I did want to be on good terms with them.

Shizu= So in the future they won't be threat to you, right?

Fuze= Yes that is true.

However, to Youm this was outrageous, stating how they can work with monsters.

Dagruel= Of course, he is not just going to trust monsters like that.

Leon= Makes sense why he won't. He would be thinking that Rimuru must have an ulterior motive.

Rimuru= But I didn't.

Leon= You know that no one will believe you on that, right?

Rimuru= Well at the time I didn't have any ulterior motives but now, hehe...

Kenya= Now sensei have become clever.

Rimuru= I was always clever.

Ciel= <Not as much as you are now a days.>

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