Chapter 18 to 22

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Rimuru was angry at him but he needs to keep his calm. This guy is a minister. However, Kaijin was not going to keep calm as he punched Vesta in the face and Un-surprisingly, we were in trouble. Some time later guards showed up.

Kaidou= Brother what have you done?

Kaijin= I just gave him a light beating for being rude to my guests.

Kaidou= 'light beating' you do know that who is he, right?

Shion= If I was there, I would had broken that man's jaw wide open.

Rimuru= Shion it's okay. He isn't like that anymore, so you don't have to be angry at him.

Gale= Sensei do you mean he has changed.

Rimuru= Yeah, he actually works for me and is amazing.

Kenya= Crazy to think someone like him can be redeemed.

After that Rimuru and the dwarves were locked up in jail. Waiting for the trial to happen.

There Kaijin and the three brothers decided to work for Rimuru. Permanently. Once this trial was over. Needless to say Rimuru was very happy with this.

Rimuru P.O.V

 We arrive in the room in which the trial would take place in. We see a giant man sitting on the throne. The king Gazel Dwargo. After that the trial starts and we start to see 'the brilliance' of this country's justice system. As our representative begins to put all the blame from Vesta on us and put us as the instigator of the incident.

Kenya= Wait a minute what he is saying is completely wrong. None of this happened.

Tiss= Yes that is right. Isn't he supposed to be their representative.

Dagruel= King Gazel you need to work on your justice system. Otherwise, your image of the great Hero King would be completely tarnished.

Gazel= I knew about who was guilty and who was not. I was just listening to how many lies will he throw out of his mouth.

Testarossa= But how did you know were you spying on them all this time.

Gazel= Did you really thought, I would just ignore the existence of a slime that was able to transform into a giant wolf, can talk and have healing potions with 99 percent purity.

Carrion= Exactly if you know you know all these things you would know that this slime is not normal.

Frey= Far from normal.

Vesta= Your Majesty! Have you heard enough? Please bestow a harsh punishment on them!

Because of the testimony given by the representative our verdict was announced.

Judge= Assailant, Kaijin! You are sentenced to 20 years of forced labour in the mines.

The rest, accomplices! You are sentenced to 10 years of forced labour in the mines.

That, concludes this...

Rimuru= Wait...

At me speaking the whole room went silent and guards began to question us on how dare i spoke during the trial. However, the king silenced them.

Gazel= It's been a long time. Kaijin do you have any interest in returning to me?

Kaijin= I fear, your Majesty, I already have a master!

At this the King went silent and then said.

Gazel= Is that so? I'll declared the verdict. Steel your hearts!!!

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