Chapter # 44

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After the end of the battle, Rimuru was examining Phobio, and noticed something strange and asked his partner Great Sage for an explanation.

Kenya= What is that in his chest?

Alice= Yeah it looks really weird.

Gale= That looks like a heart of some sort.

Elalude= Don't tell me is this....?

Elmesia= Charybdis's Core am I right, Rimuru?

Rimuru= Yes you are correct.

Great Sage= <Phobio is okay. But Phobio and Charybdis have 90 percent merged. In less than an hour he will revive as Charybdis once again.>

Rimuru= <So little time.>

At this Rimuru began to do the work.

Carrera= Well it makes sense. Charybdis is a spiritual being after all, so it isn't going to die just like that.

Hinata= Still reviving in under an hour is quite fast.

Luminous= Given that it isn't as strong as the other Spiritual beings and is quite on the weak side when compared to the others. So, it makes sense why it would revive so quickly.

Tiss= So now that Phobio and Charybdis have merged does that mean they are the same being now?

Leon= No they have only merged ninety percent. And even if they would have merged fully it still would had been an unstable merger and would had resulted in the death of Phobio.

Fuze= And why is that?

Shizu= Because two souls can't inhabit the same body unless it's a spirit possession situation.

Leon= That's correct.

Elmesia= My Leon, it looks like your student still has a lot of knowledge that you taught her all those years ago.

Shizu= I was not going to forget all the important details.

Leon= Well it is a good thing you didn't as this way you were able to become a successful hero without much difficulty.

Rimuru= Without much difficulty huh?

Leon= Yes that's what I just said.

Veldora= (Oh brother here we go again.)

Rimuru= You are saying that having to control a raging fire spirit that wants to destroy everything,

And kill your loved ones is not difficult.

Leon= I said it wasn't much difficult. Being a hero is never easy. It is always a difficult and uphill struggle.

Rimuru= How would you know about that?

Leon= Because I was once a hero.

Rimuru= What?

Ramiris= That is true, Rimuru. He really was a hero back in the day.

Elmesia= Yeah it was quite fun back then.

Rimuru= (What should I do? I want to hate him so much but the more I get to know about him it just seems like he is a guy that I just misunderstood.)

Rimuru= <What should I do, Ciel?>

Ciel= <That choice is ultimately yours to make so I won't interfere.>

Rimuru= <I can't make a damn choice right now Ciel so that is why I am asking you this.>

Ciel= <Ok dear. If you insist this much then this is my opinion. I think it would be right if you stop hating him now. As it is not going to benefit you at all. However, you don't need to like him or anything. You can just stay neutral.>

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