Chapter 28

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After the surprises everyone got ready for the feast. However, for the villagers there was something that was much more important than the arrival of the ogres. Because today was the first time Rimuru was about to eat something. So, they all were extremely stressed that what their leader would think of their food. Then Rimuru took one bite and yelled in happiness'.

Rimuru= Delicious!!!

At this the villagers became extremely happy that their leader had enjoyed the food that they made for him. So, the villagers relieved and the feast began.

Luminous= Your reaction, wasn't that a bit exaggerated.

Fuze= Not really as food from tempest is truly delicious.

Shizu= Also the fact that this was the first time Rimuru-san tasted anything.

Leon= Yeah, first time tasted anything in four months.

Rimuru= Yep that is true and could you stop counting the time.

Leon= No.

Rimuru= Damn it.

Ramiris= Why were your subordinates so scared before.

Benimaru= They were scared because, if Rimuru-sama didn't like it. They won't be able to forgive themselves.

Testarossa= Of course.

Diablo= You have caught on how things should work here. huh.

Testarossa= Yeah that was not a difficult thing to understand after seeing like a dozen tantrums being thrown here.

Everyone was eating their food. Meanwhile Kaijin, Rigurd, Rigur, Old Ogre and the Young Master were eating in a side. Where the ogres told them everything that happened to them. Kaijin and Rigurd were surprised at this news. Because orcs are much weaker than ogres and shouldn't be able to do any kind of damage to the ogres. And when the young master told them that they came with armor and weapons and overwhelming numbers. It kind of answered the question on how orcs were able to win but it also brought up more questions like how orcs were able to get weapon and armor. So, they all concluded that someone must be working with the orcs.

Carrion= Yeah, we know who was working with the orcs.

Frey= Some idiot named Clayman.

Clayman= (These bastards I can't even say anything against them. Because almost everyone here hates me. So, Clayman just shut up take the insults like a brave, strong demonlord.)

Veldora= Oh so this time he is not defending himself I guess he really got tired.

The young master tells them that with the orcs there was a masked majin who is really strong.

At this news Kaijin thinks that the orcs might be getting aid from a demonlord.

Hinata= They already have a thought that it could be a demonlord?

Rimuru= Well of course Kaijin is a very intelligent person. So, of course he was able to figure it out.

Hakrou= Yes even though he is a blacksmith. His intelligence also makes him into an excellent advisor.

Dino= Makes sense why Gazel didn't want him to go.

Young master= Only me and five of my brethren have survived.

Rimuru= Oh so that is why you were so upset.

Young master= Looks like you have eaten quite a lot. Huh.

Rimuru= Your sister is quite something. She knows about cooking and medicines. Goblins took to her immediately.

Young master= That is so much like her. She always wanted to help others.

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