Break: New Guests

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Fuze= What do you mean that some new guests will be coming?

Gazel= Perhaps it means that some new people will be brought here for the reaction. Is that correct?

Author= Yes, it is.

Milim= Who would be those new people?

Author= You will know when they are here.

Carrera= Ok just bring them here already.

Diablo= Yeah you are just making us wait for no reason.

Author= Ok.

At this point, a bright light appeared in the room and five people appeared behind the smoke.

People from Tempest= (So that is how we got here. Appearing in a flash surrounded by the mist?)

Most of the Demon Lords and Primordials= (Who are they?)

Shizu (noticing someone in the mist) = (Is that who I think it is?)

Guy (noticing someone in the mist) = (Oh now this is going to be interesting now that he is here?)

Velzard (noticing someone in the mist) = (She is here as well; this is will certainly raise the tension?)

Veldora (noticing the same person in the mist) = (Are you kidding me? Was one not enough?)

Gazel= (A familiar face huh?)

As the mist cleared, a few of them began to panic as they had no idea where they were.

Rudra= (What the hell is this place and how did I get here. I am happy that right now I am not under the control of that Michael but still where the hell am I? At least Velgrynd is here with me, and she is okay.)

Velgrynd= (Did we get teleported? Where in the hell are we? And who is responsible for this? At least Rudra is here, and he is safe and sound.)

Elmesia= (Hmm... Now what is this place?)

Elalude= (Where are we? I was just doing the paperwork and now I am here and not just me, even the emperor is also here. I hope it is not a trap from the other houses.)

Yuuki= (......)

Rudra= Hey Guy, where are we? And what are you doing here? Is this some secret place of yours or something?

Guy= So you finally are able to think about your surroundings. But no, I don't know where we are and this is not some secret place of mine.

Velgrynd= Is that true sister? Do you really don't have any idea, about where are we?

Velzard= No we really have no idea.

Velgrynd= Then how are we going to get out of here.

Velzard= Well the guy who brought us here is the only one who can send us back.

Rudra= The guy who brought us here?

Author= That would be me.

Elalude= (Where did that voice came from?)

Yuuki= (That voice it came from outside the room. Should I ask this person where are we and why are we here? No, I don't think I would need to. The scorch empress is about to ask that question.)

Velgrynd= Who are you? Where are we? And why are we here?

Author= You can call me Author. You are at my place, and you are here to react to the life of a special person.

Elalude= So the other people here are also reacting to the life of that special person?

Gazel= Yes that is true.

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