Chapter 39

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Sometime had passed and Milim was still in tempest. This day Rimuru was taking her to the textile shop. Where he left her with Shuna so that she could enjoy different clothes.

Frey= So that is how you dealt with her.

Carrion= Yeah you kept her busy enough, so that she doesn't destroy anything else.

Rimuru= Yeah Shuna was surprisingly able to take care of her quite well.

Shuna= I was just doing my duty.

Milim= But it was really fun when I was with Shuna.

Shuna= It indeed was.

After leaving, Rimuru went to the cave where Gabiru and his comrades were growing herbs. The reason why Rimuru was there was because further into the cave a lab had been built for Vesta, who was currently working on the creation of Full potions. Vesta showed the potion that he had made just now and Rimuru checked it and confirmed that he had finally made a Full potion. At this Gabiru and his comrades exploded in happiness. And Kaijin, who was with Rimuru at the time, congratulated Vesta on his achievement. Rimuru left Kaijin and Vesta as they started to talk about the old times.

Gazel= So this is when you first time developed Full potions.

Fuze= How much time did it took you to make them?

Rimuru= Not a long amount of time and there were quite a few failures, but it did work out in the end.

Gazel= I was really surprised when I learned that you were able to make it in such a small amount of time. But still nothing less can be expected from Vesta.

Rimuru= Wow you are bragging about your ex-minister.

Gazel= Why can I not?

Rimuru= No it's just that you normally don't do that.

Ciel= <More like we haven't seen him do something like this before. He most definitely cares deeply about his subordinates as he was sad. When he fired Vesta after the trial. So, it isn't surprising that he would be proud.>

Rimuru= <Yeah, I guess you are right. And thanks for not making fun of me for not remembering that.>

Ciel= <I don't make fun of you because I like it. I am just always telling you the truth. In truth, I never tease you willingly.>

Rimuru= <Oh I know thanks.>

Ciel= <Except when I do.>

Rimuru= <Hey!>

Ciel= <Hehe.>

Gazel= I do that you just don't realize it.

Rimuru= Yeah yeah.

Shion= What happened Rimuru-sama? Why do you look irritated?

Rimuru= It is nothing Shion. Don't worry about it.

Gazel= Did I irritate him that much?

However, when he exited the cave, he saw a pillar of black flames towards the city.

When he reached the city, he saw that a lot of people had gathered at the city center. He asked Souei, who told him.

Souei= Some intruders had raised the city alarm and we saw a couple of Majins where is went off.

Carrion= So this is where...

Souei= Yes this is where Phobio first time comes to the city.

Ryota= But what was that pillar of flame.

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