Chapter # 43

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(Somewhere far away from the soon to be battlefield)

Ellen= Why aren't we helping them?

Fuze= We would be just dead meat in a fight of this scale.

Fuze= (Furthermore... in case he fails here I would need to warn the other nations about Charybdis.)

Leon= Yeah that is true.

Frey= Against the power of Charybdis they are nothing.

Fuze= Yeah, we knew that. Furthermore, I needed to be able to make out of there alive as Rimuru had wanted me to warn the other nations about this danger.

Hinata= Really?

Rimuru= Yeah. I didn't know if we would win or not.

Velzard= Even though Milim was with you, you still thought that you might lose.

Rimuru= When I told him, I hadn't thought about Milim being our trump card.

Milim= ok. (You forgot about me...)

Rimuru= <What happened to her?>

Ciel= <Maybe she is sad because you forgot her.>

Rimuru= <Oh ...>

Ciel= <When will you learn?>

Rimuru= <Ok fine.>

Ciel= <*sighs*>

Suddenly an explosion of black flame happens behind them in the sky.

Everyone freaks out thinking what that was.

Fuze= So it has started. The first shot of the battle.

Testarossa= So this is where it starts.

Diablo= Yes that is the start of this battle.

Ryota= And like last time Benimaru-san was the one who fired the first shot.

Benimaru= Well it is good to see what the enemy is capable of.

Rimuru= Yeah it is a quick way to gauge their capabilities.

In the sky Charybdis and the Megalodons appeared.

That blast was the [Hell Flare] Benimaru had used on all the enemies. But only a few were injured and only one fell.

Seeing this Rimuru knew this won't be an easy fight.

Carrera= Well of course, it won't be an easy fight.

Ultima= That is someone who is known as the king of the skies. Still, I would defeat it without any difficult.

Hakorou= Well of course you are a primordial demon after all to it would be easy for you.

Kenya= Also one megalodon did fall. So that attack wasn't completely useless.

Zegion= That was a full power [Hell Flare] so the fact that it was only able to take down one of them is not good.

Alice= How did the others survived?

Shuna= Because they were inside the range of [Magical Jamming.]

Gale= And the one that fell...

Shizu= ... was most likely outside that range.

Rimuru= Yes that is true.

Kenya= (Ok then it will be really difficult.)

Chloe= (It doesn't matter if he is strong, sensei can deal with him easily.)

At this time Charybdis let out a scream and the megalodons charged at Rimuru's subordinates.

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