Chapter # 45

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After the dust had settled, Half of the room was in pieces. Rimuru and Veldora had stopped the fight. But not before Diablo had beaten Carrera to such a state where she couldn't talk anymore.

Needless to say, the Demon Lords and the rulers had quite the show to watch.

After getting back to normal, including healing Carrera to such a state where she can at least react again. The reaction resumed.

Rimuru was experimenting with the new skills that he had obtained by killing Charybdis.

Right now, he was experimenting with [Gravity Manipulation].

Hinata= I think you said that you were going to take care of Shizu-san's students. So, what the hell are you doing right now?

Rimuru= Well there were quite a lot of things that I had to deal with before I left for Ingracia.

Alice= For example, what?

Shuna= For example, there were the delegations.

Fuze= Delegations?

Carrion= Oh so this is during the time when we exchanged delegations.

Rimuru= Yeah that is the time when we exchanged delegations and really started building relations.

Gazel= And if I am not wrong then this is also when you came to Dwargon at my invitation.

Rimuru= Yeah after I had dealt with the whole Eurazania business I then came back towards Dwargon.

Elmesia= So during this time you established permanent relations with both Eurazania and Dwargon.

Leon= So this was the time when you really appeared on the World map.

Rimuru= Yeah, I guess you can say that.

Yuuki= Dang Rimuru-san, you had deal with all this busy work makes sense why you had to delay your journey to Ingracia.

Rimuru= Yeah, I know that.

Ciel= <...>

Testarossa= So you absorbed Charybdis, then you must have gone way stronger.

Rimuru= Yeah Charybdis was as strong as me if not stronger. So yeah, I got quite the boost when I absorbed it.

Carrion= Oh so now it makes sense why your subordinates became so much stronger than before.

Milim= What do you mean?

Carrion= Remember Rimuru absorbed Charybdis.

Ultima= Yeah that's what she said genius.

Guy= And as Rimuru becomes stronger his subordinates also become stronger because of his skills. So, what you are trying to say is that because Rimuru became stronger his subordinates also became stronger. That's what you are trying to say right?

Carrion= Kind of an over explanation it but yeah.

Ultima= And how do you know that?

Carrion= Because during the delegation there were a few fights.

Carrera= So we will be watching some fights then, it will be fun.

Diablo= (She still hadn't learned her lesson.)

Ciel (T-C to Diablo) = Diablo keep yourself under control I don't want to you going into another rampage.

Diablo= (T-C to Ciel) = Yes Ciel-sama I will make sure that this doesn't happen.

Ciel (T-C to Diablo) = It better not.

While he was experimenting, Shuna came and called him as the Delegation to Eurazania was about to leave.

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